Friday, October 2, 2009

October Run - Day Three

The October challenge, find amazing parts of theology and
then each day bring one paragraph to you the reader about that.
Here in day three we need to get more than personal, we need
to get intimate; deep, longing, desiring; the aspects of our
human nature that we equate to obsession, aren't they? The
question is a haunting one, is God, obsessed with His creation?
Mind you in modern thinking, which is why this theological shot
is so much fun, as the rocket streaks past your bow, you hear
the faint calls of splashes in the distance, whence it is headed
for the deep. Mind you, today we all too often ask if we are
obsessed with God, and that's a good theological question to put
forth, but my suggestion to you is, to smile, and laugh, and even
howl with delight, because the one who made you, created you, and
has you reading this is indeed obsessively in love with you.
Deu 10:15 Only the LORD had a delight
in thy fathers to love them,
and he chose their seed after
them, [even] you above all people,
as [it is] this day.

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