Saturday, October 17, 2009

October Run - Weekend Edition - Sunday - Wrote on Saturday

The October challenge, find amazing parts of theology and
then each day bring one paragraph to you the reader about that
Notice that up front in the title I wanted you to know that
I wasn't putting this together on Sunday...that way, couldn't
anybody say, the lad worked on a Sunday! Right(?)- we wouldn't
want to have to face some vague accusatory item, in the midst
of everything else going on in life, would we? Now as you
are asking, "Yeah ok fine, how is that a theological issue,"
remember, we are dealing with, the end times, that nice word,
eschatology- the study of the end times. Saw an interesting
book today written by a Ph.D. graduate of Dallas Seminary,
had to do with 2012; my wife is getting sick of hearing me
talk about it- how the prophecy of such might fit into the
other odd and assorted prophecy having to do with the end
of time. But you see, odd as it might seem, working on
Sunday as an issue, would only really mean anything to a few
folks- because, for the vast majority of people, the day
of the Sabbath, the day God set aside to go into a
contemplative mode after the work of the weeks is
complete, and the next week is getting lined up, the
day God Himself took a breather- that Holy Day, which
we are told to keep that way, HOLY, as in set apart, well
my friends, is it? Now as we start to dig into this matter
of the end of time, my prayer is that you'll take that
neck that gets so stiff so quick and let the heat
that my writing can build up under your behind
loosen that bad boy up a tad, cause guess what,
Jesus is coming back, guess when? Soon(!)- and
my friend if that isn't the end of time, then you
know a whole lot more than this writer about it.
Time will cease when the process of ending time
begins- time anyway, isn't anything that we actually
understand- for time, actually, belongs to who?
If you said God, you were right- only God is
outside time gazing in, the rest of us, are
reading book covers written by Ph.D's who'talk
about 2012 and the end of time!
Dan 12:9 And he said, Go thy way, Daniel:
for the words [are] closed up and sealed
till the time of the end.
1Pe 4:17 For the time [is come] that judgment
must begin at the house of God: and if [it]
first [begin] at us, what shall the end [be]
of them that obey not the gospel of God

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