Saturday, October 24, 2009

October Run - Life is ...Good

The October challenge, find amazing parts of theology and
then each day bring one paragraph to you the reader about that
An amazing thing about God- He puts up with, us. Now you might
wonder about that, since we believe we are His creation, but
here is a thought for you to consider- we aren't. God, so far
as we can tell from the Bible, created a being called Adam.
Adam is Hebrew generic for, a man, that's what it means in
the original language- so God created a man, breathed into
him the "breath of life," literally a breathing soul. Yet
that man, chose to become apart from God. We are not like
that created man, we are like the result of that FALL- we
are the FALLEN- the tree which has sprung from each soul
that had faith after Noah. Welcome to the real world- here
we don't play, and so, as a result, the next time you
hear someone mistakenly say that we are created by God-
step back and wonder at this- for the truth is, God allows
a reproduction to take place, He knows about us in the
womb, numbers our hairs, and knows all; but we aren't
created by Him- we are a result of the fall. This is
why the following statement was necessary:
1Cr 15:51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall
not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,

When someone tells you a change is going to take
place, isn't your first question, "What?" Which is
followed closely, by, "When?" If it's a person we
ask "Who?" If it is about a populace we ask "Where?"
But in this instance we already know...why!

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