Tuesday, October 27, 2009

October Run - Soon

The October challenge, find amazing parts of theology and
then each day bring one paragraph to you the reader about that
God knows our hearts, over against His own heart; two types of
hearts, one eternal by nature, one eternal by purchase; one that
is spirit, God, and one that is flesh, human. One that is the very
power of created order itself, God; and one that is the created,
human. Two hearts, but they exist, they are just different, we
are the mirror of God- and it's probably safe to make the jump
into God's heart, as in David being a man after God's own heart?
Which you can deduct from 1 Kings 11:4 and the Psalms 138:1.
These two hearts then form a bond when the Holy Spirit moves
inside the believer and through the power of the sacrifice of
Jesus, aligns itself to the love of God. The heart changes-
it is obvious, you can tell it right away, the difference is real,
and the reality of the change of heart is known, it is seen,
it is always the same, and it affects each person in the
same way; right? Wrong- every one of the those statements
past the scripture, are not true, they are put there to
get you to read with emotion- the truth is, nobody can see
the heart of a human, in this way, except, God!
Jer 24:7 And I will give them an heart to know me,
that I [am] the LORD: and they shall be my people,
and I will be their God: for they shall return unto
me with their whole heart.

So we come to the matter of telling us when He, God, is
going to send His Son, Jesus, back, to reign. The truth
is, He, God, has told us, it will be, soon.

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