The October challenge, find amazing parts of theology and
then each day bring one paragraph to you the reader about that.
God brings some real challenges into your life, if you think
God isn't capable of such; and not just as some make believe
test of things, but as a real and very difficult part of what
it means to be in His family- then you have missed what His
Son went through so you'd have the privilege! Get it- it is
about you, Christianity rises and falls on the shoulders
of those who have the courageous faith to say,"we don't
buy into this world and it's values- we want the cross!"
Is that you- if it is and you turn up your nose at
opportunity- you better think again- God uses those things
that are gonna bless you, to turn out resources into a
world where you are the courier! Get it- it is about
you- so don't you dare get arrogant in the face of
what God the almighty has brought you today to bless
others with- that my friend, would be living dangerously.
Hey- don't take my word for it, listen to His son:
Mat 10:28 And fear not them which kill the body, but
are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him
which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
So when you are offered an opportunity to advance, to
become something more, don't glare at it, don't wonder
at it, don't whimper about it, no matter what, take the
opportunity seriously, for the one who you really do
need to fear, may just be the one who brings it on!
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