Thursday, December 10, 2009

Loving December 9 - Pressure and You

What we like in people is smiling happy faces, we aren't glad to see
the other kinds of faces, the sad faces, the pained expressions, we
surely are hoping that when we see someone they will be smiling.
If that is how we are, do you suppose that people during the time of
Christ were different? Some aspects of people don't change do they?
While it's probably not so popular to mention it, haven't you ever
wondered about why all the principal characters in the story of Christ,
including Christ himself, are young? Mary was likely quite young, the
common practice at that time was the marriage of a young lady, so,
in all likelihood Joseph was also young.

While your gearing up to start ripping and tearing about youngsters,
especially if you are my age, just hold on a sec and understand
something that is so true, so powerful, and so, well, frustrating
about God, honestly, it is probably God's most frustrating characteristic
from a human standpoint; God loves creation, and creation isn't old,
it isn't patterned, it is isn't settled, it is new, lively, different,
in fact, uproariously so. Now don't misunderstand me here, God is
certainly one for order, but if you look very carefully at what Moses
recorded from God about his character (Ten Commandments) you will find
that they are creative, not restrictive. You never saw them that way..
well ..let's take a quick trip up the path of "Wow wee, that's new and
1) 6 I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt,
out of the house of slavery;
7 you shall have no other gods before me.

This is the height of creative thinking for in it is total freedom,
I don't have to worry about a God for water, a God for sky, a God
for moon, or Sun, or anything else, I have one God, He is God, and
He is the one who delivers those who are enslaved. If you ever
want to meet someone who is enslaved let me introduce you to a modern
student - they are slave to the test, slave to the culture, slave
to the norm; and, they are slave to success and totally consumed
by an all enslaving passion which is taught them. Modern students
are constantly bombarded with, "find your passion." My submission
to you is that they can't really, especially if they are young. for
the truth of youth is that it must be taught, it must be lead, it must
be loved. The truth of the youth during Jesus time resemble that,
today the youth are told to "get out of my face," "what do you mean
you need help, what, are you too stupid to figure it out yourself?"
"Why don't you leave me alone, can't you see I'm under enough stress
as is!" (Which goes both ways, because I know plenty of parents who
love their children dearly, who have children who are horrid, absolutely
horrid toward them!) Stress is a number one word for the societies of
earth, not just the first world countries, it is in every country
all over the planet, people on earth are stressed out, and guess
where it begins? Youth, teen years, where the battle is not being
won by the church my friend! Our young people all over the world
are in such a need of such a revival that it isn't even real. Now
before you say "Amen." to that easily made statement, ask yourself
this question; was it really that much different in Jesus time? As
you consider that, I'll just ask you one question, what was Joseph
seriously considering doing when the Angel found him? Think
their culture was such a nifty one to live in? God's commandments
when they are mis preached, abused and misinterpreted can become
awful and that's not what God intended at all. So we will wrap
this one up on that first commandment, but as we appraoch the birth
of the King of King's I promise you we will look at every command
and why every single one of them isn't restrictive but freeing, isn't
dominating but relational, and isn't enslaving but freeing...
Until then will you pray with me?

Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross)
De Inimicsis Nostre (From out Enemies)
Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God)
In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father)
Et Filii (and of the Son)
Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit)

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