Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Loving - December 20 - Vox Populi Vox dei

In the recent hit movie “Live Free or Die Hard,” Bruce Willis’s continuing saga of the “Die Hard,” series, the subject matter concerns something called a “firesale” attack on the technology of the country. The theory behind it being that link where just as in a fire sale; “everything has to go”; so in this dramatized “firesale” the electricity, utilities, television, system controls for traffic management, you name it, anything that could be controlled via a computer, is taken over by the bad guys. As usual Bruce is nearly killed numerous times, and as in all Hollywood action flicks of late, our hero sustains enough injury that anyone who understands medicine knows, “this guy has been a walking dead man since the second time he was shot!” So the unreal is seen via this media as real (note that). The unreal is also seen as having power- that the power resides in the ability of the hero to overcome (note that)- so that your impression of the media hyped hero is that he is wonderful, he saves the day and all is well in our world. You might not know this, so you will need to check it out with Dr. Dennis Waitley of NASA and Olympic athlete training fame, but here is a fact, your mind cannot distinguish from what it sees as input that is surreal or fake or drama, and what is real, in terms of how your body reacts- this is called visual motor rehearsal. Now here is a real shocker for you; my take on this is that the Bible addressed this as early as Adam and Eve in the garden, God didn’t ask them what they were thinking, God asked them “where are you?” Big difference in that question. Now what this says to us are two very important things that we noted, first, your being reacts to drama in a physical way as if though it were real (read that Adrenalin pumping action flicks really get your Adrenalin pumping, so do video games, so do stimulating visual products…) and second, what we have been conditioned to believe is that we must save the day! We’re the hero in that drama, we’re the savior in that series, we’re …it. Oops, that doesn’t sound like surrender to Christ as Lord to me? So where does the power reside in that situation, with the person. It is the mantra of our time, “be all you can be,” “success is all that matters,” “it isn’t how you play the game, but whether you win or not, which leaves you as memorable, nobody remembers the second place Super Bowl teams…” And on and on and on it goes, the power residing in the person.

The scene is a calm hill, it’s quiet, the dawn has broken over water, people around this small desert village are just waking; they have gathered around because they know that the solitary figure coming down off the hill can and does heal the sick. They’ve seen it happen, word has spread, and this Jesus of Nazareth; well, he’s power, and they know it. He turns to the men who are walking with him and says; “Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be yes therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.” That meets with the wide eyed stare of those who are being sent out, but they realize, if they have learned enough of Jesus and His unique power, they will be fine so long as they rely on Him and not upon their own foolishness, such is wisdom that He speaks of. That’s a far cry from our way of doing things today, wouldn’t you say?

So when we come to the time to celebrate the birth of this amazing Jesus of Nazareth, perhaps one of the things that we might do is really examine where the power resides in our life? If it resides with Him, then we cannot fail; He doesn’t fail, we will all make it, who put our faith and trust in His ability to save us and keep us; we shall be there, not because of who we are, but because of who He is. If the power is residing with us, however, then my suspicion is that just as we sin everyday, we will find a way to lose track of what faith is, we will find a way to dis-serve the master and even lose faith in Him; until ultimately our worth in the kingdom is diminished to the extent that it ought not exist at all. Which is sad, but happens many times. The very real challenge for us in Christianity today is to not lose sight of who we belong to and what His power is all about. So the question to you this fine day is, do you know who has the power in your life?

Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross)
De Inimicsis Nostre (From our Enemies)
Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God)
In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father)
Et Filii (and of the Son)
Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit)

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