The way you look at someone you love says it all. They mean
more to you than you can ever express in words, and how you
look at them, says that. How they see you, however, may be
totally different than how you see them. Oddly, this is a
surety about how we are. We are involved with people, we
love people, we worship with and witness with our lives
and people; and we strive mightily to be as sincere as we
are able to be. At that same instant we are also aware
that we don't have a particularly great record at what we
would expect of others. We don't like to admit it, but we
are better at spotting their problems than our problems.
So the way you look at someone you love says it all.
As Pastor Melissa Scott says, "you see, it is little
subtle things," she is so right, when it comes to loving
Jesus, it isn't the great big gigantic meetings with
incredibly excited people all gathered to hear the
message, no, it is the single time you give up your
pride to put your arms around someone who is not
smelling and looking like you'd like, in that one
singular action, you communicate if you love Jesus
or love in some other way. Note that being said in
such a way, there is love, which comes from Jesus,
He is the source, He is the power, He is the mover,
He is the one who makes it take place, He is the
reason for the love, He is the center of the love,
He is what love will be, He is what love forms;
or, it is of some other source. Pastor Scott in
going into Paul's awesome writings clearly, very
clearly, puts it on a plane that makes so much
sense, if we love as Jesus, we can't be false
about that love.
Do you suppose that Joseph, Jewish, a believer
in the way of the truth, God, a man under the
rule; a believer, do you suppose that Joseph
understood what was going on? We're going to
see that not only did Joseph not get it at
first, but it is going to take an enormously
powerful miracle in order for everything that
he knew to get turned upside down- so that
in God's revelation it would be right side up.
Well that's the way it is, isn't it, if it's
God's it is going to look upside down to the
world anyway - which is why it seems so real
and glorious that God would have put all of
this into motion through one so steeped in
the traditions which God had already said
were not going to work for Israel.
Mat 1:20 But while he thought on these things,
behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto
him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of
David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy
wife: for that which is conceived in her
is of the Holy Ghost.
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