Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Loving - December 8- Connections and You

Ever hear someone called, "connected," ever hear of someone who
has "friends in high places?" When it comes to family in the time
of Jesus, you'd really have to say, they had friends in high places.
As the events began to come into focus, much of what would be
contemplated by us today, was happening in real time for them.
Isn't that the way faith happens? Faith as a word means action,
not thought, moving and doing, not believing; so, they were
busy about doing their lives, and we today benefit from that.

While I may not agree with him theologically on some nit pick
points about practice of faith, Joel Osteen, nevertheless, impresses
me as a man of faith; who isn't afraid to share with a large
audience of people, how that faith fleshes itself out! In taking
in his excellent work "Your Best Life Now," which is two or more
years back a bestseller; Pastor Osteen recites the battles of
where he was, and where he is, and the difference that a God
sized vision can make. My dear reader, God sized vision doesn't
small down, it enlarges out! It doesn't refine the "jot or tittle,"
because it takes Christ at his word that they will remain, instead
it gets after following God in prayer and relationship and doing
what God wants to be done! That my friend is precisely what the
story of the birth of Jesus is about where you are concerned.

Jesus isn't a stagnant, dead, past only, God, He is alive, moving,
changing, modifying, transferring, relegating and discipling today!
The amazing power which Jesus put within you is His ability to move
your soul to contact other souls to bring them into power, not
peace- bear in mind; this world has no love for it's King Jesus!
Mat 10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth:
I came not to send peace, but a sword.

So the truth about what Mary and Joseph bring into our lives
is a baby who became a man, who became a teacher, who became
a leader and discipler; who became a world changing teacher,
who became a world changing sacrifice. He was taken from the
world in cruelty as a reminder of what the price of missing the
mark is; and, so that in doing so our sins might be forgiven;
but when He returns, it will be as King Jesus! He has said
that He will return to get us who believe in Him, He is now
making a mansion residence for us in His Fathers House, and
God, awaits us there- His birth was necessary as a man, his
sacrifice was necessary as a man, His return is necessary as
our King! May He reign in your heart today.

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