Monday, December 21, 2009

Loving - December 17 - Are You Serious?

He wasn't joking, now, back in those days, my sense of humor was,
folks tell me, better. Folks tell me that lately my sense of humor
hasn't been real sharp. Someone shared some jokes with me and I
guess, they just didn't hit my funny bone, ever have that happen?
On the other hand, was watching, actually watching, an Adam Sandler
movie; and laughing; so there is no telling. He was, back to the
tale, serious, "it'll be $300.00," now, he was serious, I was the
one laughing; he wasn't amused. In my mind that much for shoes
was absolutely ridiculous, but I guess my days of shoe shopping
were based in a different realm than today? Uh, no, I didn't
buy them, but according to him, they were "worth it at any price."
Mary would say that her son was worth following at any price.
We'd agree with her, but the religious leaders of that day did not;
in fact, they had already been given considerable difficulties
within the culture by the subtle eroding away of their faith by
the Roman's and others.
In the background of the experience is
the captivity of Israel, we have no metric for that, no way to
understand what it felt like as a nation to be captured? But
we know from the sayings of the Old Testament prophets that
God expressed His anger and anguish over their situation.
Today we can truthfully wonder at why that would be since
Christ came in the fullness of time? Did not all that had
occurred prior to His advent have to occur in order that His
birth time would be "full?" It is one of the unusual aspects
of biblical theology that on one hand all the things which
did occur in the past had to occur for Christ to be born;
yet, in such there would still be anger expressed by God
toward Israel?
Somewhere in the halls of time there echoes the woe of
Him who sought to save every person; upon Whom would reside
the utter horror that many would choose evil? Many will
serve evil out of a failure to serve righteousness, and
one would be hard pressed to say which, from our human
point of view; would be worse?
Faced with all the enormous need, faced with all the
huge understanding necessary, Mary received the divine gift,
and undertook to raise up the Son who would be the Messiah?

Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross)
De Inimicsis Nostre (From our Enemies)
Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God)
In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father)
Et Filii (and of the Son)
Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit)

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