Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Loving - December 6 (Plus Version) "Oh Joseph, c'mon..."

Let's start here in worship to King Jesus:

Hbr 12:1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed
about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us
lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth
so easily beset [us], and let us run with
patience the race that is set before us,
Hbr 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and
finisher of [our] faith; who for the joy
that was set before him endured the cross,
despising the shame, and is set down at
the right hand of the throne of God.

Do you see God who laughs and has a great time?
Do you see God smiling at Joseph and Mary,
as He is bringing about His Son's birth?
Do you not know my friend, that there
was already a great cloud of witnesses
in Heaven, peering anxiously over the rim
of Heaven saying "Oh Joseph, c'mon..."
They peer over the rim of heaven and say:
"(Your name) YOU CAN DO THIS! C'MON!"
Can't you almost hear them? Get alone
in a field of lovely long grass with the
wind gently blowing...see what you hear?
SO- you aren't alone in this my friend...

Do you ever talk with someone who claims to be
a Christian, they probably are, we can't see their
hearts, so my sense is, if someone is gutsy enough
to tell me they believe in Christ, who am I to
doubt it, even if they are
bizarre in their behavior?

Now I know that really rankles some of the
modern day Pharisees who want to condemn
them to hell because they have
a beer in public, but I'm sorry,
shoot me with them, we need to wake up
in following Jesus and quit being so
much in love with ourselves as we
think we understand the Law of God.

My sense is, first off, we don't
understand the Law of God as we should,
few of us, even so called professional
ministers, are knowing that Law as we
should, and those who really had a
chance to really know that Law,
bent it to suit their failings, as Christ
pointed out to them.

Legalism, I believe Paul says, kills the spirit of
the Heart of God. Rom 4:14 "For if they which are
of the law [be] heirs, faith is made void,
and the promise made of none effect:"
On the other hand, God is God,
so, in the Law of God
we see a very powerful picture of exactly
how God is, how God operates,
and how we shall be.
That, uh, term "shall be" is a very important
one, I can't see you as you "shall be,"
although I try to- which is called
looking at someone with eyes of faith-
rather, what you let me see is what
you are now, as you see me as well.
So we do well it seems to look upon
those around us, and to try in our
hearts to understand, we aren't perfect,
we've never been perfect, and, on this
side of the veil, we will never be
perfect; so we need to quit being in
love with the idea of being better
than someone else; we aren't, ever,
better than someone else, not ever.

So what does this mean in terms of God
who laughs and has a great time?

WHAT? God has a great time? You bet-
haven't you ever thought of the
laughter in heaven? It's a cut up
every second- AND- for those of you
who frown as you read the revealing of
Jesus by John (you call it The
Book of Revelations) haven't you read
where heaven has no tears? (Rev 21:4)
Get your heart around this one, heaven is
beyond us and it is lovely, and it
is full of laughter and joy- and some of the
purest joy is that people
who weren't perfect, who went
through this experience of not
being perfect,
MADE IT, and now, they are
cheering you on to MAKE IT,
and they are loving your efforts,
because they know you will,
because they know Jesus
wasn't messing around at all,
when He saved you!

So if you think Christ
doesn't smile at you,
especially when you are
so blowing it my friend,
missing the mark my friend,
guess again; SEE, JESUS knows
you aren't perfect,
He knew that when He saved you,
because He knew you would
make it to the end of the race,
not because of who you are, but because
of who He is; and He is KING JESUS!

And we are very much
in the tune of heaven
when we hear laughter
and joy and singing of the
Angels, as we try so hard
to remain so staunchly
hard hearted toward
those we think we're better than.
Oh my, we can all grow just a bit
when it comes to forgiveness, would you say?

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