Thursday, December 24, 2009

Loving - December 22 - You Want This Secret?

David Blaine the Magician (note=Magi)has made a career out of
leaving people spellbound, which is a term meaning you and I
can't figure it out. Fundamentalists get all bent out of shape
when you talk about simple things like magic, they shouldn't
because it's not evil, it's just magic. On the other hand
the person who is fooling you and I, can certainly turn it
into something which isn't just magic, and that's the problem.

The same thing is true of other epi-sciences, (note, epi-
science, not pseudo-science, there is a very distinctive
difference, and we're gonna get there next paragraph), and
even extend to sciences considered too legitimate to be
magical; which is the ultimate nonsensical statement.
Consider the wonder of reality and quantum physics, just
for a gentle moment that my prayer is, will leave you a
little spellbound, even though David Blaine I'm not.

Fred Alan Wolf, Ph.D.
, is a serious mind, a genius,
a man of the highest laurels and academic pedigree,
he has been the focus of intense Public Broadcasting,
Discovery Channel, and many other television research
type programs; goes deeply into what we are about-
he isn't a magician; he's a scientist, but when
Fred is done speaking, the resultant feeling to the
observer, even a skeptical, cynical one such as I,
is the same spellbound feeling; why? Oh my, you
are really gonna enjoy these next two paragraphs,
because, here we go...

The Magi, the men of renown, Persians from what
I've heard scholars explain, were following what
they knew, to find a God they knew had to exist,
but they were following tales of renown; tales
which were told that a King would come. They
looked into the skies and saw what they needed
to see; "His star in the East." (Matt 1) Ever thought
about that, because if they were in Persia,
and the star appeared to them in the east,
then, it wouldn't be over Bethlehem would it?
So what I want to suggest to you, is that, there
are some things which we won't know about
adding up, until we get to personally talk it
over with them...

"Wow Dana I never thought about that...what's
your point?" Is it also possible that when Matthew
wrote the Magi's comment:
"We saw His star in the East," was Matthew
intending something else entirely? I don't
know, I'm waiting for Tim Lehaye and Jerry
Jenkins to come out with Matthew, in their
"Jesus Chronicles" series...which I find
really helpful and frankly just a really
good read. So we don't know this little
mystery do we? Ah my...yet again the
Bible is filled with leaves
us, breathless with it's depth, and yet
knowing in our hearts that it is true,
even though all else fail, it will not.
Luk 21:33 Heaven and earth shall pass away:
but my words shall not pass away.

Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross)
De Inimicsis Nostre (From our Enemies)
Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God)
In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father)
Et Filii (and of the Son)
Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit)

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