Saturday, December 26, 2009

Loving - December 24 - First ...Always!

Sure you do, remember that first kiss?
Clear back to the second grade,
I remember mine, her name was Rhonda, and,
they dared me, and,
so, at recess; I went over to the fence and told her:
"Rhonda," you can imagine this was a tense moment,
"see those guys over there..."
"Yeah," typical closed mouth woman ( win...),
Redhead, freckles;
"Rhonda, uh," now the tension was really building..."
"Say it..." She wasn't liking all this drama either...
and the sun was hot.
"They dared me to kiss you, or they said they are gonna beat me up."
"Liar, I know you're lying Dana, they never..."
She had blue, azure eyes.
"Yeah they did Rhonda, can you help me?"
Ah, the first kiss, how about yours?

"Hey man, I thought this was a devotional page,
what are you talkin' about
kissin' for?" Not kissin', firsts- and almost
every person I know, remembers
that first kiss, because it's not mom or
grandma, it's a ...girl...or...boy?
It is the first time that we maybe realize
something is odd here, something

that is inexplicable, and, it's first, and
we don't forget it, do we?

Going back to the second grade, can
you remember your teachers name?

But you remember that first kiss, don't you?

For people who have nothing, they have shelter,
food and water, mostly, on
good weeks, enough grain to sustain energy,
barely, and enough water to
keep from perishing, barely, and cardboard
that is thick but won't stop
rain, if it ever rains, it sags in on them;
they have nothing, so they don't
even pause to consider how good or
bad life can be, they don't have that
luxury- they are fighting to remain in existence.
They are the ones that
we who have much must become part of, so
that we can contribute not to their
misery, but to their rescue. Not to their
demise, but to their ability to
come out of that, to enjoy, really,
laughingly, marvelously enjoy, what we
take totally for granted; because we,
and especially in the United States,
we, take what we have, for granted.
We don't much appreciate what we have
that is so awesome that others not
only don't have, but would nearly kill to
obtain, we don't get that; but we have it.
Yet we are losing that sense of
gratitude, and that is scary! Once
that sense of what we owe those who
went before us, and are currently
sacrificing that we may have, once we lose
that, we're through as a nation of glory-
and we're mighty close to that
today- and so, we must be cautious, and
we must be making others see it-
and yet, not close their minds to helping.
It's not as easy as it seems.

Jesus had already shown the guys with him that
doing physical stuff was no
big deal, He took vats of water and turned that
water into wine, and not
just wine, He turned it into the best "fest"
wine they'd ever drank...oh
my...I bet it tasted so good, what do you think?
So the guys around Jesus
knew he could do physical stuff, they'd seen
him touch a man with a shriveled
up hand, and watched it stretch back to
shape (talk about movie special effects!)
and then; they saw him restore sight to a
person who couldn't see! So they
knew; yet, they didn't get that Jesus could
make stuff happen when it came
to food? Did He get it? Let's think on that,
because it seems that Jesus
was in constant touch with God, Jesus
called Him Father- and Jesus said
we can too? Do you? It's a hard question -
it really is, see right now
you're saying, "well of course, I pray...
" that's not what that question
asks you, read it again, do you call God -
Father? Because my sense is,
you don't talk to God like you do your dad?
My other sense is, God would
prefer you did address Him and treat
Him precisely that way, see if you
and I did, we'd get into less sin. Because
what Jesus was showing the guys
wasn't about Him, and it wasn't about
them, and it wasn't even about the
miracles, it was so that, after all else is
said and done, you could know
Him, and, know that Jesus called God
Father, and you can too. Uh, by the
way, when Jesus did that, He was, the
first. By the way, when you finally
do come 'round to understanding such,
it will be a first for you as well.

Luk 10:22 All things are delivered to me of my Father: and no man
knoweth who the Son is, but the Father; and who the Father is, but the Son,
and [he] to whom the Son will reveal [him].

Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross)
De Inimicsis Nostre (From our Enemies)
Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God)
In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father)
Et Filii (and of the Son)
Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit)

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