Wednesday, November 4, 2009

This Is About You- and...Us...

Deflecting isn't well understood in the American culture,
for those of you who take this in on other continents,
you may be in a more mature culture than America, and so
deflecting is a process of your life which you understand
as not answering what you haven't been asked. In America
we have this unusually open style of communication where
we believe that we ought to let our brains roll out of
our mouths, and let happen what will happen, we aren't
very closed mouthed, which is interesting, but puts us
at a cultural disadvantage when carrying on a conversation
with,say, someone from Germany where conversational skill
is very subtle and very agenda heavy. An American when
talking to a French person is often guilty of seeing their
body language incorrectly, the French are very animated
when they converse (generally speaking). So deflecting
isn't our style, but it is, in our minds, that's right-
you do think, very often, as a matter of fact, that you
wished you hadn't said that. Ever feel like you have a
big mouth? Ever ask yourself why you didn't keep your
big mouth shut? Ever wonder at things you have said,
as to why you said them that way? Would it interest
you to know that God knew you were going to be like
that, no matter what culture you were in?
Col 4:4 That I may make it manifest, as I ought to speak.

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