Monday, November 23, 2009

Thankful (as seen in) John 3:17

Look, the series story about how the Holy Spirit interacts with
folks, is on day five; I've prayed about it, and in fact, the
Holy Spirit communicated to me to "Halt," not a word I use often,
the series until after Thanksgiving. It's just too intense in
what is coming, and day's five through 28 aren't going to get
better, well, until, possibly the end- don't want to give it away.
So that's it, we're going back to what we do best which is
thankful encouragement. And believe you me, it is needed, isn't it?

So for this week, each day, which won't hurt our international
readers at all, let's pick something we can feel thankful for?
Today, my heart is full, in my life, there is love, and that love
was the light of the world, I don't need any other love, but am
so thankful that there is other love in my life. The arms of
God reach out to touch my heart in the service of the Body of
Christ and I know through such earthly vessels that my Lord
and Savior died for a worthy cause, the salvation of the world.
We all know John 3:16 but we often overlook the very next verse:
Jhn 3:17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn
the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

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