Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thankful isn't always easy

Have you ever been on the downside
of the up holiday event?
What I mean by that is, have
you ever experienced something
that was tough and harsh, as
in not having enough, or,
a person you love passing over;
harsh, during a holiday?
When that happens what you
go through is the experience of
being thankful when you aren't
real sure what your being
thankful for.

Usually you will hear this
person say something
like, "well, I'm alive, I can
be thankful for that." Or they
will memorialize their loved
one or deep friend by admitting
"wish I would've told them
how much I loved them, when they
were here, but I know where
they are is better." Yes we cling
to that don't we,
that where they are is better.

Truth is,
we, almost to a person, and basically
no matter how we
approach it religiously, believe
that the next step in our
existence is better. For us who
love Jesus, we know love is
where we are going, and love is,
who we are going to be with.
Being thankful isn't always easy,
in fact, it's a two edged
sword, so this morning my heart
to your heart, let's be
thankful for a God who is truthful
with us, who doesn't sugar
coat the deal; who knows what our
pain is about, because He
not only endured it, but, honestly,
He could have, at any
moment, completely realigned it,
of course, were that to
happen, you and I wouldn't be
able to love, ever hear it
put that way

...AH...now your thinkin'...be sure
that today
somebody who means so
much to you knows it,
that's important!

John 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but
he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath
not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

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