Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Holy Spirit - Who Are You - Really?

Sounds stupid, who are you, really? To ask such a question
of the one who was present and in the creation, probably
seems ridiculous, but please stop for a moment and realize,
you aren't so certain yourself of that question. Not saying
that to make you doubt yourself in any way, far from it,
rather, that question is the question that comes out of
your mouth when you are overpowered with a force which you
can't make sense out of. One day I was running down the
football field, the next instant, faces were staring down
at me in shock asking "hey, are you OK?" and my mind
was numbed so I asked, "who are you?" Seconds later as
they helped me up, it began to occur to me, who they were.
OK you get it, when the Holy Spirit actually turns His
power loose in you- which for many Christian's sadly, has
never happened- believe me, if it has happened to you,
speaking in tongues will be the least of your problems,
you will suddenly and without being able to back up, know,
this is God in me! So, Holy Spirit, who are you, really?
Get ready, 'cause here it comes, the shocking, Bible
based fact- Holy Spirit, who are you, really?- God.
Again we run into the mystically challenging trinity-
but let's not- let's just understand this, God is God-
how God decides to get God stuff done, that's up to
God- it isn't up to me, I wouldn't have chosen a single
sacrifice for all of humankind, I would've come up with
some messed up complicated nonsense, not God, He did
it once, for all time! So when God decides that He
wants to do Holy Spirit stuff, my best bet, our
best bet, is to, follow the instructions - and-
here they are: "Be still, and know that I am God."
The Bible uses this phrase, "Be still," and it
doesn't mean silent, it means the entire essence
of being ready and alert and accepting and on
edge to hear and see and feel and take in what
is going to come- that's still! Holy Spirit
won't you today blow into our lives?
Mar 4:39 And he arose, and rebuked the wind,
and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And
the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.

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