out there interpretation you have ever heard,
guaranteed, on the other, hand; it might just
be; good. The usual track on the Holy Spirit
takes a person back to the Hebraic legends-
back to the time of creation. We usually
refer to the Holy Bible, the Book called
Genesis, and the passage which describes
the Holy Spirit as "moving" over
the waters (Gen 1:2) the actual Hebrew
there is shown in this image:
How is this description made different
by belief, versus reality? Myriad ways-
much of the language of Hebrew has the
culture and the knowledge of the culture
tied into it. All that I'm suggesting to
you is that we make this language and
this understanding become something
that it might not be, because we have
tons of historical beliefs and cultural
pressures behind it. Instead, here's a really
fresh idea - just read it as it is- just take
this unique and wonderful spirit at face
value- quit trying to make this into
something that your head demands your
heart honor. Then wonder, why(?)- and
it's there that we will meet again...
drd's" Blog
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