You are running down the street, you're yelling- "Somebody, anybody,
help - the store, it's on fire, it's gonna spread, help(!), help!"
As you run you are expecting to see doors fly open and people run
out, to help, but they aren't, you run a bit further, panicked,
you see Mrs. Gimble through her plate glass window, she's watching
her large screen T.V., obviously she doesn't hear you, but she
does see you and waves, smiling- if you had time, you'd stop,
but my gosh, surely she sees how panicked you are? You run a bit
further because you see Mr. Billings in his yard, the older man,
works at the bank you think although you're not dead certain
on that, it's hard to get to know neighbors, isn't it? You wish
in some part of you, that you'd bothered a bit more,
to get to know your neighbors,you run up to him, "Man didn't
you hear me..." He looks at you with his
hose watering, and says - "what were you yellin' about? Is something
wrong?" "Wrong- my God man, the store's on fire it's gonna spread
to the whole dad gum street! Don't you see the smoke?"
"You know I thought maybe that was somebody's car that needed a little
tune up, look, you need to calm down, the fire department or somebody
else will handle it..." "You've gotta be kiddin' me, look man, we've
got to get down there, help me, we've gotta do something, we've
got to start waterin' the buildings down, we've got to get goin'..."
"Now look - there's no need for you to get so riled up, you're not
even sure there is a fire are you?"
"I saw it, it's me, help me..."
"Well," He turns, seemingly detached, "let's hope those guys that are
fireman get the job done..."
"You're really not gonna help me?" You can't believe it...he isn't even
alarmed, the whole city might burn down, but he's totally unconcerned?
"Apparently young man, you haven't read about what the fire chief said
about this sort of thing and getting alarmed?" Now you are really
totally amazed, this guy wants to debate what somebody wrote, while
the fire is burning down the city? You turn to run off realizing
you're efforts with him won't gain you a thing, as you realize you
are going to have to go do what you can, and you realize at the
same time, you're gonna need help, it's then that you hear a voice
inside your head, sounds almost like your own voice, but it's
actually a little softer, and the voice says, "they don't know
that they are doing, do what you can, while you can, act in faith."
The sad truth is, it's not just the city that is in danger
because of people who could care less, is it?
Luk 7:30 But the Pharisees and lawyers rejected the counsel
of God against themselves, being not baptized of him.
Luk 7:31 And the Lord said, Whereunto then shall I liken the
men of this generation? and to what are they like?
Luk 7:32 They are like unto children sitting in the
marketplace, and calling one to another, and saying,
We have piped unto you, and ye have not danced; we
have mourned to you, and ye have not wept.
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