The strangest thing that ever happened to me was
when my life was turned upside down feelings wise-
raised as an only child, my viewpoint about what
mattered, and who mattered, was terribly
self centered. So much of my thinking wasn't
about the other person or their problems, or even,
what they were about; as my focus was intensely
centered on the lonely survivor, this is not
unusual for children without brothers and sisters.
But here is what happened - real love, the kind where
you can't stop it, it just is, it exists, it exists above all else,
and sometimes in spite of all else, happened. What
was unusual is that the person who my feelings were
so powerfully about, didn't give it a second thought-
I was way down the priority list to them.
This was new and different, and a lesson, to be sure;
for the heart that is centered in it's own existence,
usually doesn't learn to feel toward others, yet here I was,
crying over their situation! In the midst of which,
my tears meant nothing to them, my importance wasn't
part of their life and as a result- my heart was broken,
really broken; for the first time. In the midst of this time,
someone shared with me that they were
dying- and now, my heartache, heartbreak, well,
suddenly, it wasn't as big an issue anymore, you see,
I'd live, but the person sharing with me, was terminal;
and knew it. Now the perspective, the empathy, the
crush of love and my raw heart, came rushing in, and
tears began; there was no way to stop them.
Jhn 13:34 A new commandment I give unto you,
That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that
ye also love one another.
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