Sunday, November 29, 2009

Hmm...Where to Start?

Could be good news, couldn't it?
On the other hand, when you
see that kind of title, what
is your first thought? That
it's gonna be a bummer? So
what did you think when you
saw that title? Now for the
really interesting part of
this conversation, you see;
part of what we are about is
helping others. Are you
about helping others? It
doesn't hurt, do you think,
to be about helping others?

So, since you have that going
in your mind, look back at the
title now, has your perception
changed? Perception, it does
at times, come from somewhere
else, at least, that's a take
on the subject of perception;
because folks do think the
darnedest things, don't they?

Now let's take it one step further,
if you've read this far, you now
realize that this is getting heavy
into the spiritual; fast- that many
times when you are reading this
devotional, God has been sort of,
"in my face," about something- and,
well- there is no other way to say
this- this devotional experience is
something that He takes very seriously-
and He wants you to get into it.

Now I have no idea what you and He
have been talking about, but I'd be
willing to bet (were I into betting,
which I'm not- but if I were) that
this devotional may not have been
in your prayers as of late- and
here is why I suspect that: (In other
words, this isn't in any way a negative
nagging commentary against you- so
much as it is a spiritually awakened
fact of our lives about prayer...see?)

Have you prayed about helping in
keeping this ministry going? (Bear
in mind that there are incredible
needs for prayer...most of all?)Your
prayers mean more to me than you
realize, and, in return, everyday,
you are prayed for in the following fashion,

"Father, (God Glorious and Almighty!)
please be with my reader, please
see to their needs this day- Lord,
whatever service we can help them
with, please let us, and Father
between us, may any thoughts which
aren't loving, toward each other,
and toward You, be erased by the
character of Your loving and
supremely devoted Son who we love,
eternally and with absolute
clarity! Thank you for Jesus!"

Now the question becomes two fold-
to those of you who have sent email
addresses who wish to partake in
this discussion, Thank you - those
are precious prayer partners
of the future! We adore our readers,
we cherish our readers, and we
keep our readers private! We
don't release readers addresses
to third party services. Second-
we deeply and with a constant
sense of the Father's great love,
wish to continue to be able to serve
you as a reader, so when there is
something which you need, please
email us and let us know?
Hmm...where to start?
Mat 21:43 Therefore say I unto you,
The kingdom of God shall be taken
from you, and given to a nation
bringing forth the fruits thereof.

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