Monday, November 30, 2009

Loving - December Is Jesus' Birthday Month!

Shock - like burning your hand- ever done that?
If you haven't don't do this just to find out,
but I've done the really "stupid" electrical
burner thing- didn't know it was on, it wasn't
glowing, BUT, it was HOT! But the burn wasn't
the worst part, get ready- cause I'm gonna
share with you, it was the smell- that got to
my senses, all the way down to my tum tum...
SO- Shock- set in. Shock is weird- your mind
goes to a place where there is peace, and,
the pain, you know it's there, but it just
isn't as big a deal- your body is defending
you against dying from your heart exploding
if I understand the medical need of shock?
NOW- what in the world can that have to do with
the wonderful birth of our Savior! Just this-
some folks unfortunately have a bad idea about
God - they believe that when man fell, it was
a shock to God. Hmm- isn't that odd? How
would that be- since we clearly know from the
Bible that God clearly overwhelmingly threw
Lucifer out of heaven, threw him down to earth
to show him his ultimate defeat- which is
coming - no shock there! (See Revelations...)

So the birth of our Lord, Oh my, what it shows,
what it so clearly shows; is the calm, the
depth, the glory of an entire cosmos rending
itself to the King of Kings- oh yes, make
no mistake about it- on this first day of
the twenty plus to come, we're gonna get right
to worshiping the King of Kings and Lord
of Lords, KING JESUS! Who Reigns- forever!
The way we are going to do that is to see,
with each other, how not only the heavens,
and Angels, and majesty, but, a very humble,
and yet very powerfully blessed couple, would
become the first humans to be aware of the
actual birth of Messiah! So we begin with
the wonder of - Mary- ah - she is beyond
description, truly, yet Scot McKnight
has written what in my limited knowledge of the
scripture; is one of the finest works about
this incredible lady, this wonderfully
talented evangelist - Mary, favored by God
to be the one to bring into this world,
His Son, our Savior, King Jesus! Scott's
work is awesome, pick it up if you can
find a you readers, let's pray:

---Read along if you'd like---

"Father so clearly and powerfully and
wonderfully You show us, that in this time,
in this place, in the humblest of ways, through
regular folk, yet folks with remarkable
faith, You allowed Your Son, our King, Jesus,
to come and be with us, Oh Father, today,
may we not even consider not loving each
other as you would have us to. Oh Father-
Abba-In Suus Muneris Dominus- Abba Father-
May we serve each other in remembering
that Mary was served by Joseph; and by the
head of that household, who one day, as
tradition would make it so said-
"It is time- go and get your bride!" Oh
Father in Heaven, who speaks to us in myriad
of way by Your Holy Spirit presence in our
lives, Lord, King Jesus, may we love,
may we bless, and may we LIVE today- Father
to return that by any means we may-
unto you, forever, and ever- Amen"

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