they're in a really bad spot- you see,
if they are right- I'm an idiot who has
eaten good food, had some really
cool friends, experienced
respect on massive levels, felt emotions
that are so deep
and so profound that children cry
with me- AND- loved
and been loved beyond belief-
none of which because I'm
in any way cool at all- but because my Savior-
our Savior- and they're Savior if they'd smart up,
Jesus, died on the cross.
So if they're right- well, tough life I've had- but if I'm
right- it will not be a happy Sulphuric smell which fills
their nostrils after they hear the trumpet
and they will hear it- oh then, well now, won't
be a happy time for their prideful mouths which
laugh at us and curse at us now- will it? So I say
"bless them- they sure are smart, and wow- are we
ever stupid who believe in the name of Jesus!" Now
here is where they usually jump off and start ranting
and raving at what an idiot I am, they forget, this
might not be my original matieral, although the
example coming up is...oh surely is...
outlandish- as it might ---be...
What's worse is- they are so morbidly bound to old ideas
of science- as THEY DEFINE it- they are so closed into
their box of senses and so called DATA- which if they
weren't blinded by the awesome light of the reality that
they claim they believe in, they'd be able to see that
it is only in the last several hundred years that humankind
has even had remote sense of life, to begin to discover
what God had waiting for humankind to begin to define!
They are so locked into dumb designed around the
measurable and the process and the timing and the
heated mix (look fast, those are all scientific things)
that they can't see the grander truth all around them-
bless my soul they're stupid! On top of which they
get to laugh at my stupidity while they begin the
process of welcoming Hell? Intriguing- there it is;
that they do not believe in, which is fascinating
considering that not one of them can tell when they
will die- and further the process! Blind to the super
obvious before their eyes they choose
to pretend to be wise.
So let's have a last really hardy laugh at how superior
the atheist mind set is- you see here is what they
are saying- that just as dice tumble out of your hand
and will always hit sixes straight up, "don't'cha'know"-
so it is that a man will release millions of Spermatazoa
into the female- with a waiting and chemically exacting
oocyte which it will then bind to! If anywhere in the
chain of process just one little speck of interaction is
off- guess what- no baby - NOW- they actually believe
that all that takes place just by...luck and happenstance?
It's sort of like believing that if I go to New York City
tomorrow with a pin- and drop it in the middle of
Times Square- you'd be able to follow right behind
me, "don't'cha know" - and fall down on your fanny
and stab yourself in the butt with it! Same odds as
they are playing them! Little do they realize that
Darwin whom they almost relegate to the level of
a God was not only wrong on so many fronts in
his analysis- and he knew it, and expressed that
very doubt- but he could not, Darwin could not-
explain the differential's which science revealed
between the obviously somehow evolved and the
ever so elusive human- Darwin himself knew that
man- was somehow uniquely and oddly unnatural
in his specie surviving! You'd think they'd even be
smart enough to figure out what a so called scientist
who actually was a statistician (if you get right down
to it- Darwin was more statistician than he was
Botanically blessed) pointed out himself about the
ever present error in his data! Man alive- even I'd
be smart enough to realize- oops- there's an error there!
Oh yeah- I'm the stupid one
alright...Jim Elliot said it this way:
"He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep
to gain what he cannot lose." And Jim dear Christian
as you know- was as usual, doing what?
1 comment:
Great devotional post!!
Did you know that there is an amazing new book out about Jim Elliot? Actually it is Jim's own words! The book contains transcribed messages he gave prior to leaving for the mission field.
"JIM ELLIOT: A Christian Martyr Speaks To You" (ISBN 9781615797646) It is a fabulous read with lots of notable and quotable material.
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