Tuesday, July 27, 2010

You'll Catch How Funny This Is In A Sec...

Walkin' with a friend - they asked me-
"so do you pray every day?"
Now- they know me- so they know-
it ain' just once a day, and
every day, it's like 7,000 million
times a day- get real!  Good grief,
people who are like me- have to
spend serious knee time!  And-
in the end, all that knee time, will
be good for my knees, unlike
other stuff that I do which they
tell me ain' good for my knees.
NOW- what were you thinkin' just now, hmm? 

See even a totally serious evangelistic type dude, can have a little
sense of humor?  My wife tells me that I shouldn't try to tell jokes,
which is a pretty good indicator that I'm actually hilarious...look
I live in a world where there are three dogs, five cats and my
wife and daughter...NOW- you figure it out- do I pray---oh
yeah...I pray alright...

Well here is one you may not have put together because we
so focus on the God of joyless overwhelming power- ya know,
smite your butt God- the absolutely all powerful, if you hiccup
wrong God who is going to just wipe you out- if you aren't just
totally all the time perfectly repentant- yeah, that God- well,
guess what- not according to Jesus!  Hard to picture as some
might find it, Christ had a simply wonderful sense of humor-
and He showed it all the  time. 

"Lord we gotta go get some food, they're hungry,
what're they gonna do to us, what're
they gonna say about us..."  Jesus- cool -
totally in control-
I can actually see Him wink at
Peter who was probably
thinking the same thing, and John
standing there listening
by Jesus, but not joining in, so
who was doing all the
"oh my - what do we do now(s)"?  Hmm...heck of a
question isn't it?  Go ahead...I had to, check John 6,
Mark 6:30- or Matt 14, or Luke 9-anyhow- catch
the depth of this, "Wow Jesus what are we going to
do here," and it was really said like "what are you-
going to do here..."  I just love his answer becuase it's
so cool, "let's feed them."  Good idea huh?

Now just to give you a glimpse of this eternal style of humor-
see there is a difference between you and I and He-
He is from eternity, and He went back to eternity-
you and I birthed into mortality and will end up in
immortality- we just don't see stuff the same- which is
good- because catch this, every day that any person,
anywhere - reads the Bible- what is taking place?
They are getting....wait for it...FED- wow- talk
about a sense of humor!  He did- feed us, didn't He?

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