Thursday, July 15, 2010

Just A Little Wake Up Call

Suppose Hell came on slowly- not quickly, abruptly-
like a person who has cancer, they've had it for a
while, they don't know it, they go to the doctor,
the doctor says, "we've found (note that-found) a
tumor," huh, that's almost now a standard sentence
that we all recognize; isn't it? Did it happen over-
night, no, it begins with a cell that goes rogue (note
that title- it's important) and starts to continue
to grow, without ceasing, a rampant, out of control
cell- a cell without regulation (note that concept)
a cell which won't stop growing. OK- there we are-
the whole Enchilada - it looks to the doctor and
the patient, like it's just now happened, but the
doctor knows, it's been growing for some time.
Suppose Hell came on slowly- not abruptly what
might that look like?

The Bible does describe Hell- and then people with
keen senses of power, and other motives, take
over and begin to tell you what the Bible says-
now- you have to decide, are you smart enough to
get into it and really find out what the Bible
says- about Hell, or are you going to trust what
someone tells you about it? Have those who have
read "Going Rogue," (there's that word again)
really understood what they are reading?

We can't possibly cover it in this time together,
now would I want to, it's too painful, and who
would want to send a gift of pain to someone?
But on the other hand, a friend many years ago,
found me smoking (there's that word-found)and
confronted me about smoking, and the issue that
he raised with me, was raised in such a way that
I had to ask myself about stopping, and then
ultimately I had to ask Christ about stopping,
and then ultimately, it stopped.

That pattern is a pattern that it seems
to me is all through the most horrific
of imaginable tales, the Bible. What happens
when the evil that is greed and power and lies
masked as a concept of FREEDOM- that would be,
life without regulation and restraint (there's
that concept), begins to leak into the rest of us?
Someone who is an atheist said that they couldn't
love a God who was bloodthirsty and a tyrant, as
He appears in the Old Testament, what my response
is to that is, He wasn't instigating He was in
response to a Hell which comes on slowly- and
the fight is still going on. And what these so
called smart people are doing is making the truth
of the black and white nature of evil, gray, so
that you and I and others who might have sense
enough to combat them, won't, and Hell will
come on slowly.

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