Atheists are some of my best contacts of late,
at least they are honest- when they don't like
you, they just say so, right to your face, up
front and honest. Now that's not how Christian's
are being, of late, they have been rather subtle,
the animosity that some feel toward others isn't
being addressed, instead, what is being said,
is far more damaging- because it isn't being
said to Christian's - it's being said to non
Christian's like my atheist buddies.
"Well she might think she's serving God acting
like that, but all's she's doing is making
herself look good." - Wanna take a guess
who that was about? Might shock you- the
lady they were discussing has an internationally
recognized ministry to millions world wide.
What am I saying- what my Pastor said from
the pulpit this morning- Billy Graham has
asked aloud if the churches of America are
filled with saved people, or, people who
can't admit they don't have the goods, the
real relationship with Christ that can
stand the heat of battle? So that question
gets answered by someone who says:
"My money does a lot to help this church
and I don't like how the people who
think they run it, act, towards me- I
should get a say in how things are done
and I'm sick and tired of them not even
acting like it matters, so the next time
it comes time to give, they won't get my
If you knew the church they were
talking about- you'd be shocked beyond
measure, as it seems anything but a church
that would be unwise in it's use of funds?
We're at a crossroads in Christianity- my
sense is that this is so, as at no other time
in the history of Christianity, I believe
that those who believe better learn very
quickly how to resolve their personal matters
with each other, as it clearly states in
the New Testament- because what is happening
is a shame upon the modern church, which
hasn't earned it- but the vocal minority are
really giving the quieter more service oriented
majority, a sad representation in the market of
the world that doesn't know Jesus.
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