Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Integrity - The What Factor

Image from Holy waters blog
Imagine feeling so in touch with God that you knew
what God was doing?  So that the distance between
you and God were so small that you knew what God
was up to?  You'd be smiling, and walking around saying
"well that makes sense, because I know what God is
up to,"  you'd have a sense of being in a family that
was moving toward an accomplishment and you'd have
fewer doubts about how the direction was going, because
you'd know, "yup, that's God, He told me this is what
He was going to do."

After about a week or two- you'd become familiar with
God- you'd know precisely what He was going to do-
and God, would become, family.  Think about that-
because according to what the New Testament says
that is precisely how close you and God are supposed
to be.  What that means is, if one of you has moved,
it might not be God?

The distance one travels from home is what often
determines the closeness or distance you have as
a member of the family.  Our sisters live in Illinois,
several states away, and so dad talks to them
sometimes every day, sometimes every other
day, but he only sees them when they come home.
We live here, we get to see dad every day, and
most days that is great, but on some days, well
being honest, we kind of wish he'd wait a day,
give us a chance to catch our breath before he
comes over to straighten out the world. Ever
know a family like this?

God is with the believer 24/7 in a way that cannot
be explained, but goes far beyond mere vocal
contact, and those who have experienced this
presence of God know Him as the Holy Spirit.
When a person is missing the mark, however,
which is called sin; the Holy Spirit is silent in
the midst of that distance from God; they have
moved.  After the sin the Holy Spirit is actively
seeking to restore the lost relationship; this would
be the daily call to the sister in the other state.
Once the sister comes home, however, dad can
once again, give her a hug.  God loves hugging
His children.  God's focus is on such, and He
loves it when your focus and His focus agree.
Gal 4:6 And because ye are sons,
God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son
into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.

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