image and processing it. You and I live in a world where such is necessary for us to live and survive-
unless we learn a set of skills which are no longer
involving the use of sight.
Many preachers and teachers make
the mistake of separating the Bible
and it's truths out of the realm of the senses-
insisting, as it were, that the Bible is extrasensory
and God demands extrasensory behavior.
Such statements aren't in the Bible, which contains
a great many statements about the use of our faculties,
to the glory of God. In fact let me go so far as to say
that the Bible insists that we marshal all our energy
into the realm of hearing and believing God that is
defined by the things which ought to be, but aren't.
That really, finally and ultimately this is what the
mysterious language (to us) of Hebrews in the
New Testament is asserting. The meanings from back
then must be brought into the present as to meaning
in order to rightly understand what the speaker
was really getting at. Just as "ah get a Coke man,"
meant to get stoned in the early years of America
because Coke really contained a small amount of
the Cocaine as part of it's formula, when today it
means, take a break, or stop what you're doing.
The meaning is roughly the same, but not exactly the same.
Truth is, that's what happens when you try to get the
language of the book of Hebrews into modern
English in America, it's pretty tough, but it can be done.
Hbr 1:1 | ¶ | God, who at sundry times and divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, |
Already the language becomes mysterious because we
have to stretch back to the Old Testament- NOW-
is it time to speak of writings and sayings and God-
perhaps so. God - the final ultimate question each
person gets to individually deal with, God - is He-
or isn't He- and how do you know? Some people
really do not believe in God- and some people want
to believe that they believe in God- and the difference
is what all the fighting is usually about.
Then there is a third class of folks, who really do belive in God-
in fact, they know God. God - ageless, timeless, and
consistent- God who is changeless, God who is - and
who was, and who shall ever be. This is God who
told Moses that He was always going to be and had
always been, and so "Tell Pharoah, that I've always
been, tell Pharoah that I am right now, and tell Pharoah
that I will always be." Here is what most folks miss
in that statement- it's about the Sun God RA of Egypt,
that they believed had a beginning, and so real God
let them know in this statement, "your RA is a false
set of human constructs, I AM real."
Why'd He do it? Why did God break into Egyptian history and
send Moses to that country? We'll begin to deal with
that question a little this week, because the answer
to it, may be as important to you as it was to Moses.
Oh- what's such a big deal about that? Moses was
out in the back land of the bad lands desert- alone,
or so he thought, until God busted into his life
and described how the God he had never really
trusted (RA) wasn't a God at all, and that he,
Moses, had been right to doubt that...Hmm, now
you are interested a bit, huh?
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