concert attendance spectacle, the person
next to you jumps up and you do to- and
as everbody does this, all over the
stadium, it turns into a graphic wave
when seen from a distance. What a
modern phenomenon of what has
been taking place since time immemorial, a
gigantic wave of those who decide, consciously
decide to give up their pride and arrogance
toward their maker
and come on board- the wave.
Why do we say pride and arrogance have to go? The
problems which come with displaced pride interfere
with the growth of a disciple. The problem of arrogance
blinds a disciple to service. Being a disciple simply
means that you will learn from the one doing the
teaching. But it is there, at the concept of learning,
where most discipling today, breaks down- because
you can't pretend to learn, you either learn or you do
not- it's not a gray area where you can pretend that
you get it, but you don't?
This is why science and law
are so much more apealling to people than spiritual
and mystery, a certain sort of person will gravitate
to both. Like the guy in the store who can't decide
to buy a Snickers bar or an Almond Joy- but he tends
to buy Snickers more frequently. Some people tend
to want to follow rules and feel comfortabe when they
are told what to do- while others tend to want to
think for themselves and find boxes uncomfortable.
Law and science are boxes, great big gigantic boxes
with numerous measures attached to them. God
on the other hand, has no box, no limitations, no
definitions - other than, He is. This will take some
disciples on flights of universal sized seeing- while
others it will shrink them back in the fantastic and
immeasurable questions of humanity- why is there
pain, why is there suffering- and the answers to those
questions- when answered by science- and law,
indicate a nice well formed box that says that it is
mans fault.
The box feeds back into the box- but
when it comes to God- as one might suspect- there
are no easy answers. So it is with limitless thoughts,
there are no easy answers, in fact, some things may
not have an answer, and that would be the ultimate
mind blowing experience for some- why- they believe
that you have to have an answer?
Job's friends in
the Hebrew tale, believed that Job was full of sin and
so he suffered, they believed he had to have at some
time been arrogant, so he deserved to suffer- but
when God decided to settle the matter, He let Job
know that everything beyond Job's capacity was
the beginning of God's and Job hadn't considered
such as being possible. What followed was, silence.
"Wave bye bye, Johnny, that's it, wave."
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