Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Lazy Christian?

There are a few things that make sense given our current
climate of faith - and especially among those who like
to believe they are evangelical Christian's; a rough house form of fundamental Christian known for being active and actively outspoken about Christ. Like those who write in and say how much they enjoy this writing and reasoning and want to share it with their friends, or even send me an email to send it to- which is you,
isn't it?

It makes sense that they would share their faith, somehow?
That just makes sense, if we're going to proclaim the faith,
then it ought to be that we would be sharing that with
others?  Another thing that is known, and would seem
to make sense, we take a stand, when something is
obviously way out of line with what we believe , we
take a stand. Don't we take that stand, now and again?

And most fundamental Christian's have
seen times when such became necessary.  So one thing
that doesn't make sense is what Jim Rohn talks about
in this video- see what you think?  Then after you
watch it, we'll see where we want to go with this.

Jim talks about the ultimately negative life,
ugly, sick, broke and stupid.  It's sad but you
can't help but laugh at how he puts it- and here
is the real interesting thing- for over a year now
we've been running this site- many, many people
have dialed in, taken a look, said they liked what
they read, and even said they were going to relay
to their friends the sites address- but they didn't
comment- and they didn't send in any emails
to forward it to- and they just were, well, maybe
intellectually challenged, but, when it came to making
anything happen off what they read, they just,
evidently didn't think it was important, or worthwhile?

My own opinion is that it may be we've become,
lazy Christian's- nothing is really back up against
the wall on the line, so, the danger seems remote,
so we aren't alarmed, so we've taken an "well I'll
wait and see," attitude about it.

What happens then is that those who could be
hearing this word, don't. Those who might be
intrigued by some of our rather "off the wall,"
but nonetheless fundamental issues, don't become
aware of them.  Finally what takes
place is the articles eventually cease- the news eventually
fails to get out, and really, the people who need it
most, well, they don't get it.  It's sad really - becuase
just as it happens with this written and video mode-
so it goes in life.  The disconnection that exists
from no participation here is modeled in the life,
and lives, which also disconnect- how about your
life, are you connecting or not?

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