She had always said that he was lazy, he hadn't
fought with her about it, he knew in some ways
she might be right; but he also knew that there
is a difference between being occupied in a
mental problem, and lazy. Being occupied in a
mental problem, is one thing that appears to
others as if though you aren't doing anything,
ever been there? Ever struggled with a mental
problem moving it to this side, and then to the
other, trying to find a different angle where it
will work? For our foreign readers you may
not relate to the dissapearing middle class, but
right now in America a lot of people are having
to really concentrate mentally on funds that are
getting slowly eroded. To someone who didn't
realize the mental strain they were under they'd
look like they were, lazy.
It isn't just that appearances can fool us, we are
fooled by plenty of things, loud sounds can
fool us, beliefs in things that go bump in the
night, can lead to us believing all sorts of things
that simply aren't true. Often it's more fun to
believe in a wild but emotionally satisfying myth
than to know the truth- one of my heroes from
the Old West is largely myth, Doc Holiday - it
is hilarious how much myth is attached to him,
and yet, don't we somewhere like the idea that
he was faithful to Wyatt Earp?
What's that got to do with being devoted to God?
Oh you kind of already know, how often if people
saw your life would they think you were being
lazy as you paused to spend time with God?
What's that, oh you want to know who I was
talking about- the man- oh my goodness, you
already know if you think about it, come on-
who do you think of when you think of great
thinkers- maybe the greatest of all time? O.K.,
here is the final hint anyone might need -
E=Mc2? That's right - Albert Einstein was
often thought of as being lazy, but he wasn't,
he was, thinking. Today my hope is that you'll
take time to think about God.
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