Does this sound like something you may have said to
a young person, "don't stand in the street, you'll get..."
and you finish that sentence with, "hit." We learn
from early days what it means to anticipate or plan
against danger, but do we learn to take refuge?
The idea in this Proverb is tied strongly into
the relating of a person to God, the idea is tied
into that because the Hebrew so strongly overtones
their existence with that in their culture. We today
are not so strongly tied into that idea. When this
Proverb says to take refuge it is with the cultural
understanding that your strength and refuge is found
in God. We today in our culture don't see that
we see instead our own way of design and that is
where our flaw is. If you'd like to get some
more impressions of this then click on the tab
on this blog that says, "Taking It Deeper."
In fact we today believe in planning and in our
own ability to strategize so strongly that we will
spend great amounts of time and money doing that.
We will in fact, lay out entire designs based on
the fact that if one thing happens then another
is entirely likely to happen, this is called
"Post Hoc, Ergo Hoc," thinking, "because of
something, this something," the idea of cause
and effect. We see that as truth, and yet
the harder reality is that is almost never
true, there are subtle natures to what takes
place and almost without fail, something that
is believed to be the cause, when it is looked
at long enough and with enough scrutiny is
found to be only a contributing factor of many
that ended up at that result. Truth is,
outside the will of God, we have no cause,
we have no result, but that's a hard truth
that we truly don't like to try and plan for,
do we? Be sure to let us know what you think.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Oh Quit It...Conversations
don't know where he thinks I can find the
time to do that?" Ever hear somebody
saying something like this when asked
if they could do something concerning
church or volunteer work? Now
in this blog we're going to go into
why church work and volunteer work,
ought to be the same thing, and my hope
is that some Christian's will read this
and just get furious and write me all
sorts of really mean and nasty stuff- do
it, defend your way of life; anybody
should, we all should, but when we're
wrong, we ought to be big enough to
admit it, and correct it (!)
ISN'T GODLY...we'll "scuss" about that in
"taking it deeper")
Christian's need to correct it. Do you correct it?When you get mad at somebody, without cause,
and they get mad at you, without cause, do you
correct it, or let it sit? Heat on ice...melts the
ice and turns it into...water? Water, living water?
"Correct what man, what are you talking about?"
"I'm talking about when you are asked to serve on a
committee or do some community work, or the
Pastor or a Deacon or someone else asks you to do
something and you tell them, "my time is already
taken, so I don't think I can, that's what I'm talk..."
"Yeah OK, great, I get it, your just guilt tripppin'
me on this, my "we can't be everywhere all the time..."
"Yeah I know that..." But they continue cuttin' in;
"Look I can't be up at that church every time the
doors open."
"Hey I wasn't talking about..." but they cut in again,
"furthermore am I the only person who ever does
anything around here, 'cause that's how he acts
when he asks me to do somethin..."
Ever hear a conversation, or take part in a
conversation like that?
A video of Dr"D" off YouTube should be in this
space if it isn't please click here
So we see that Proverbs 22:2 is not only about now,
as in all wisdom literature, it brings to the table, the
awesome nature of it's author, God, who breathes
into the Word of Life, an eternal connection not
present in any other literature. Want to see miracles
take place in your life? Start taking the Proverb as
it is, and believe that God's word, the Bible, is a
Holy Book, it's not just another book in the world
out of all the other books in the world, the Bible
is a singular and trustworthy inhabited work- and
it is inhabited by the very presence of God who
is the author and creator of all!
AND while we're on the subject Christian, if you
are asked by a community to serve in a volunteer
capacity, please, please pray hard about that before
you say no, know why? Ah us...we'll
tell you ...
creator God,
Follow Jesus,
Holy Spirit,
love relationship,
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
This For You
Moved, we say it about the people who
"used to live next door," they moved; we
say it about a time when we felt strongly
about something, we were "moved."
Interesting how they mean a transport
to somewhere else, you either go there
in your mind, or, you go there physically,
but you transport, you are moved, we
are moved, we become, moved- it's an
active word. The Proverbs are designed
to move you, you aren't supposed to
just read the words and say, "wow that
was nice," that's not the deal.
The Proverbs are really meant to
be read under the starry sky, with
your heart open to the heavens so far
above what any human might even
consider; so enormous, and so full
of promise, or, something else, but
if you can look up at the starry sky and
not be moved, then you can read
Proverbs and not have a clue, the sayings must
move you. Like the first time I heard this...
(a video of Leonard Cohen "Hallelujah"
should appear at bottom of email if it isn't here)
Proverbs are meant for
wonder in your soul,
but they are also something
else, something really big,
something really mysterious.
It doesn't hit you right away,
wisdom is like that, sometimes
it has to rummage around a
while in your head and then
suddenly, the truth begins to
emerge. As if though out
of a New England fog bank,
so thick you can't see at all,
and then suddenly, the fog is
gone, and you can see, "watch out
for that truck!" Wisdom comes at you, and
the wisdom you get, comes to you that way,
you cannot rush it, but oh, my, we want to.
That's why the image of Jesus that I connect
with is wisdom, He is sitting alone on a hill
side in the morning. The disciples see Him,
and they must wonder, "should we?" Because
they have just seen Him heal a withered Lepros
hand, and, well, it's a bit odd; what do you
say to someone who has done that in front
of your eyes? The disciples probably didn't
know what to say, you think? Do you,
know what to say? You see, every once
in a while let the truth of the power of the
light of Jesus shine into your soul my love,
you see, He really is who He says He is.
That my love is what we call, wisdom.
"used to live next door," they moved; we
say it about a time when we felt strongly
about something, we were "moved."
Interesting how they mean a transport
to somewhere else, you either go there
in your mind, or, you go there physically,
but you transport, you are moved, we
are moved, we become, moved- it's an
active word. The Proverbs are designed
to move you, you aren't supposed to
just read the words and say, "wow that
was nice," that's not the deal.
The Proverbs are really meant to
be read under the starry sky, with
your heart open to the heavens so far
above what any human might even
consider; so enormous, and so full
of promise, or, something else, but
if you can look up at the starry sky and
not be moved, then you can read
Proverbs and not have a clue, the sayings must
move you. Like the first time I heard this...
(a video of Leonard Cohen "Hallelujah"
should appear at bottom of email if it isn't here)
Proverbs are meant for
wonder in your soul,
else, something really big,
something really mysterious.
It doesn't hit you right away,
wisdom is like that, sometimes
it has to rummage around a
while in your head and then
suddenly, the truth begins to
emerge. As if though out
of a New England fog bank,
so thick you can't see at all,
and then suddenly, the fog is
gone, and you can see, "watch out
for that truck!" Wisdom comes at you, and
the wisdom you get, comes to you that way,
you cannot rush it, but oh, my, we want to.
That's why the image of Jesus that I connect
with is wisdom, He is sitting alone on a hill
side in the morning. The disciples see Him,
Web Site For Image |
they have just seen Him heal a withered Lepros
hand, and, well, it's a bit odd; what do you
say to someone who has done that in front
of your eyes? The disciples probably didn't
know what to say, you think? Do you,
know what to say? You see, every once
in a while let the truth of the power of the
light of Jesus shine into your soul my love,
you see, He really is who He says He is.
That my love is what we call, wisdom.
creator God,
Holy Spirit,
love relationship
Monday, August 23, 2010
At Times Like These
who should be the most
giving, aren't? Ever wonder
why the people who have the
most to give, don't? Ever
wonder why the people
who aren't blessed with enormous
resources, seem to be the ones who
make the most use of those resources?
Ever wonder why those who have
huge reserves aren't willing to share them
when doing so would have no
real consequence to them?
We live in an age where for the price
of a tank of gas a person can obtain
valuable knowledge worth thousands
of dollars, and yet, most choose not to?
Ever wonder why someone would
choose to stay without knowledge?
The most perilous thing that we face as a
people isn't a threat to our economy, but
those who seek to control
through fear, would want you to believe
that, ever wonder why? The most
perilous thing that we face as a people
isn't our educational decline in
standards, although, those who want
to rule you by fear, want you to
believe that, ever wonder why? The
most perilous thing we face as a
people is not the idea of being separate
and powerfully separate, which
is called freedom, although those
who want to rule by fear, would want
you to believe that, ever wonder
why? You see, the most perilous thing we face as
a people is the death of the question why? When we
no longer question why, we have died inside.
Proverbs makes this painfully clear:
21:28 "
- Pro 21:28 - | A false witness will perish, and whoever listens to him will be destroyed forever.*" Footnote: * Or / but the words of an obedient man will live on |
Friday, August 20, 2010
The Facts Don't Match Up Here
NIV - Pro 21:23 - He who guards his mouth and his
tongue keeps himself from calamity.
The facts, how do you get to know the facts?
Now that's not a terrible problem if
we are talking about things that
people say that are just moderately important,
but when the depth of the item takes an
another dimension, the rumor spread can
cause absolute devastation, and people
can lose not only money, but something
much more important than money- they
can actually lose their life over something
that someone says.
An interesting number is the amount
of searching under Google when
asked "number of people who have
been assaulted or killed in the U.S.
over something someone said."
27,100,000, which is compared to
searches containing the name O'bama;
709,000,000; significantly less. This
may indicate that there is less interest
or searches for this particular statement
but likely it indicates that people are
more interested in anything President
O'bama is in, versus how much they
fear the chance of attack. So when
you and I consider our life, we don't
consider statements as being dangerous,
and yet, truth told, a lot of violence
comes from words, and most of us
know this, without news reports to
tell us.
Proverbs here resembles a familiar
passage to most readers of the Bible,
if that is you, you'll know the book of
James, if that isn't you, we'll quote it
here, but we would suggest to anyone
who wants to read something interesting
to read the book of James, it is intense,
it is powerful and it is wisdom, but
just look how closely these two
statements written thousands of
years apart, are:
Jam 3:5 Even so the tongue is a little member, and boasteth
geat things. Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth!
tongue keeps himself from calamity.
The facts, how do you get to know the facts?
may hear them, from the radio or T.V., if
you are just listening, but more often than
you realize, you get your news, or at least
your sense of the news, from someone else.
You hear them tell you what they thought
they heard. It is a perpetual and much
faster paced rumor mill than at any other
time in history.
we are talking about things that
people say that are just moderately important,
but when the depth of the item takes an
another dimension, the rumor spread can
cause absolute devastation, and people
can lose not only money, but something
much more important than money- they
can actually lose their life over something
that someone says.
An interesting number is the amount
of searching under Google when
asked "number of people who have
been assaulted or killed in the U.S.
over something someone said."
27,100,000, which is compared to
searches containing the name O'bama;
709,000,000; significantly less. This
may indicate that there is less interest
or searches for this particular statement
but likely it indicates that people are
more interested in anything President
O'bama is in, versus how much they
fear the chance of attack. So when
you and I consider our life, we don't
consider statements as being dangerous,
and yet, truth told, a lot of violence
comes from words, and most of us
know this, without news reports to
tell us.
Proverbs here resembles a familiar
passage to most readers of the Bible,
if that is you, you'll know the book of
James, if that isn't you, we'll quote it
here, but we would suggest to anyone
who wants to read something interesting
to read the book of James, it is intense,
it is powerful and it is wisdom, but
just look how closely these two
statements written thousands of
years apart, are:
Jam 3:5 Even so the tongue is a little member, and boasteth
geat things. Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth!
Holy Spirit,
love relationship,
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Melissa and Joey Say Something To Us
What is the show Melissa and Joey about? Did you
watch the opening of the show? Have you seen this ad:
The idea is an interesting and upbeat one. Obviously
the concept of a single family change is a tough one,
and obviously the Bible says some pretty profound
things about the family unit; (most of which have not
been brought to light - guess why?) but it seems
that ABC is taking an interest in trying to get some
ideas about the family out there. What do you think
about this?
Just the fact that a network is trying something like
this says something pretty intense to our culture.
It's a comedy, that's a friendly format for ideas,
if they work, everyone laughs, if they don't then
you have the option of saying, "it's a comedy get
over it," it's win-win broadcasting at its best.
But is it possibly something else?
Is it possible that while media often pushes the
latest BUZZ of the masses at us, and often it is
either incredibly high science (Matrix, X-Men,
Inception (which one commentator said wasn't any
good, I don't know haven't seen it yet, have you?)
or very scary (Saw- "nuff said?") in this instance
is there perhaps a reason that ABC has decided to
bring into our lives something about a family
which is headed up by a single parent, who is
trying to cope, and chooses an intriguing way to
do it, way outside the box and the norm? I do
not know - but would be interested in what you
have to say about it, and if you have an opinion
on this?
If this show were about studying the Bible at the
end of the day, as a family, could they carry
it off, or would it look completely unnatural
to most Americans? If Melissa sat down with the
family and Joey and said ...well how would
you complete that scene and have it get shown
on national T.V.? Are we going to continue to
pretend that media isn't powerful and as a
teaching tool, incredibly powerful? So -
you finish the's your turn to teach?
watch the opening of the show? Have you seen this ad:
The idea is an interesting and upbeat one. Obviously
the concept of a single family change is a tough one,
and obviously the Bible says some pretty profound
things about the family unit; (most of which have not
been brought to light - guess why?) but it seems
that ABC is taking an interest in trying to get some
ideas about the family out there. What do you think
about this?
Just the fact that a network is trying something like
this says something pretty intense to our culture.
It's a comedy, that's a friendly format for ideas,
if they work, everyone laughs, if they don't then
you have the option of saying, "it's a comedy get
over it," it's win-win broadcasting at its best.
But is it possibly something else?
Is it possible that while media often pushes the
latest BUZZ of the masses at us, and often it is
either incredibly high science (Matrix, X-Men,
Inception (which one commentator said wasn't any
good, I don't know haven't seen it yet, have you?)
or very scary (Saw- "nuff said?") in this instance
is there perhaps a reason that ABC has decided to
bring into our lives something about a family
which is headed up by a single parent, who is
trying to cope, and chooses an intriguing way to
do it, way outside the box and the norm? I do
not know - but would be interested in what you
have to say about it, and if you have an opinion
on this?
If this show were about studying the Bible at the
end of the day, as a family, could they carry
it off, or would it look completely unnatural
to most Americans? If Melissa sat down with the
family and Joey and said ...well how would
you complete that scene and have it get shown
on national T.V.? Are we going to continue to
pretend that media isn't powerful and as a
teaching tool, incredibly powerful? So -
you finish the's your turn to teach?
Hatred Toward God and God's People (in three paragraphs...)
Dr. James C. Taylor, co-authored a power
work with Dr. Harold Bryson called
"Building Sermons to Meet Peoples Needs,"
as a student of the great Dr. James C. Taylor,
it is my pleasure to distinctly remember him
and his wonderful, loving, Christian ways.
As John would say of Jesus so would I say of
Dr. James C. Taylor, I knew him, and was with
him and know that today, he is with Jesus.
So the greatness of us, who we really are,
comes at us daily; but the sum will come
back to us, from those whom we touch and
reach and influence. Likely it will not come from
the work that we do, unless that work touches people
and that will last. At 3 A.M., this morning it hit me how
powerfully Nehemiah affected time and
history. The mental blows came at me from Nehemiah
chapter 11 and from teaching, from the past.
Many times people who say that there is no God, they
scoff at those of us who believe in God, and it hit me, Nehemiah
chapter 11, verse 6- these men, stood, in the face of opposing armies!
Real soldiers and real armies who wanted to kill them! These men
the Bible says were 468 of them in verse six, "The descendants of
Perez who lived in Jerusalem totaled 468 able men."
It hit me like a sledge hammer, "able men." Oh God we need able men,
and God where are they? Dr. Taylor would say to us, "you preacher boys are
feeling like you are going to go out there and set the world on fire
with your preaching, and that's good, you need that, you need to feel
that -" and he'd pause ever so slightly, letting our minds finish a
statement we'd no idea what he was going to say, "you need to feel
that fire in you, but until you get under the load of the love of
Jesus, until you get broken under the Yoke of Jesus,
you won't know what it means." Until you get broken under the
yoke of that love, you won't know what it means, to be an able man.
We'd likely be more politically correct and change that to, an able person,
but that isn't what the Bible says- it isn't politically correct, it says
that these men were there to stand, to stay,
that they were sons of Perez who were 468 in number,
not 469, not 467, but 468, and they -"able men!"
Don't bend, don't break, don't give an inch in your defense of
the Gospel of Jesus Christ- bend your knee with me that we
might become- able(!) against those who express such hatred
against God and against those who love God.
Are you broken under that yoke?
The heathens, the atheists, with their prideful stances and their
arrogant scientific minds; (or so they believe, personally as a
scientist possessing a masters in computer science,it seems
possible to me that they are delusional since, and if;
they believe God isn't in creative process of
every moment; in momentous ways, beyond anything they're
paltry little brains can conceive of...but that's another days work),
will tell you that there is no God; well, they are wrong. It is
that simple, and what we as Christian's must come to understand;
it seems to me, (in prayer at 3 A.M.), is that God through Jesus
provided for us something so uniquely powerful that we
can rely upon Him. And when we do, He, Jesus, will fulfill
our needs, but we must rely upon Him; as Dr. Taylor relied
upon Him, as Dr. Bryson relies upon Him, and then we become
a family; like those who stood with Ezra the priest, and Nehemiah
the leader; of ages past, and my prayer is that someone will
say of us, "they were able." Because one thing that is absolutely
true is - our Christ is able. Are you broken under that yoke?
So what do you believe you should do in a world
that says to you that it "doesn't care?"
Is that world so different from the armies which threatened to
kill those inside of Jerusalem?* It really isn't; the battle is the
same, the time is different, the weapons are different, they
had swords, we have words, but the spirit that those weapons
seek to kill is the same. We must be those type of able;
'lovers of God,"who say, "you can kill this body but
you'll never kill this love!" You can take the body,
have it, we don't need it, it isn't us, for we belong
to Jesus who has purchased us with
a precious sacrifice beyond anything any silly and unfocused
and delusional mind can conceive of. Fore in this mind, in
this soul, in this heart- is the love which goes beyond any
hatred, any expression of ill will, to let you who say you
don't believe know, we pray, we forgive, we continue, we
stay, we stand, we kneel in prayer, not because of anything
about us; but because of everything about Him. We are
able because our God is able; because Jesus... is, and we
know He is... because He lives! He isn't in that grave-He is
alive- today- in those who are able!
We are broken under His yoke.
Wanna take it deeper? Go ahead - CLICK
Would you as a member of this mail out like
a copy of Dr. Richardson's book "Reaching
Your Full Potential?" - CLICK
*Of course it's ignorant to say that a time when swords
could kill one single enemy in any regard reveals a
world where atomic bombs will kill billions- that's
absurd- but the mind set of those who hate Christian's
hasn't changed in regard to that - it's not absurd.
work with Dr. Harold Bryson called
"Building Sermons to Meet Peoples Needs,"
as a student of the great Dr. James C. Taylor,
it is my pleasure to distinctly remember him
and his wonderful, loving, Christian ways.
As John would say of Jesus so would I say of
Dr. James C. Taylor, I knew him, and was with
him and know that today, he is with Jesus.
So the greatness of us, who we really are,
comes at us daily; but the sum will come
back to us, from those whom we touch and
reach and influence. Likely it will not come from
the work that we do, unless that work touches people
and that will last. At 3 A.M., this morning it hit me how
powerfully Nehemiah affected time and
history. The mental blows came at me from Nehemiah
chapter 11 and from teaching, from the past.
Many times people who say that there is no God, they
scoff at those of us who believe in God, and it hit me, Nehemiah
chapter 11, verse 6- these men, stood, in the face of opposing armies!
Real soldiers and real armies who wanted to kill them! These men
the Bible says were 468 of them in verse six, "The descendants of
Perez who lived in Jerusalem totaled 468 able men."
It hit me like a sledge hammer, "able men." Oh God we need able men,
and God where are they? Dr. Taylor would say to us, "you preacher boys are
feeling like you are going to go out there and set the world on fire
with your preaching, and that's good, you need that, you need to feel
that -" and he'd pause ever so slightly, letting our minds finish a
statement we'd no idea what he was going to say, "you need to feel
that fire in you, but until you get under the load of the love of
Jesus, until you get broken under the Yoke of Jesus,
you won't know what it means." Until you get broken under the
yoke of that love, you won't know what it means, to be an able man.
We'd likely be more politically correct and change that to, an able person,
but that isn't what the Bible says- it isn't politically correct, it says
that these men were there to stand, to stay,
that they were sons of Perez who were 468 in number,
not 469, not 467, but 468, and they -"able men!"
Don't bend, don't break, don't give an inch in your defense of
the Gospel of Jesus Christ- bend your knee with me that we
might become- able(!) against those who express such hatred
against God and against those who love God.
Are you broken under that yoke?
The heathens, the atheists, with their prideful stances and their
arrogant scientific minds; (or so they believe, personally as a
Click Here To Visit This Site |
possible to me that they are delusional since, and if;
they believe God isn't in creative process of
every moment; in momentous ways, beyond anything they're
paltry little brains can conceive of...but that's another days work),
will tell you that there is no God; well, they are wrong. It is
that simple, and what we as Christian's must come to understand;
it seems to me, (in prayer at 3 A.M.), is that God through Jesus
provided for us something so uniquely powerful that we
can rely upon Him. And when we do, He, Jesus, will fulfill
our needs, but we must rely upon Him; as Dr. Taylor relied
upon Him, as Dr. Bryson relies upon Him, and then we become
a family; like those who stood with Ezra the priest, and Nehemiah
the leader; of ages past, and my prayer is that someone will
say of us, "they were able." Because one thing that is absolutely
true is - our Christ is able. Are you broken under that yoke?
So what do you believe you should do in a world
that says to you that it "doesn't care?"
Is that world so different from the armies which threatened to
kill those inside of Jerusalem?* It really isn't; the battle is the
same, the time is different, the weapons are different, they
had swords, we have words, but the spirit that those weapons
seek to kill is the same. We must be those type of able;
'lovers of God,"who say, "you can kill this body but
you'll never kill this love!" You can take the body,
have it, we don't need it, it isn't us, for we belong
to Jesus who has purchased us with
a precious sacrifice beyond anything any silly and unfocused
and delusional mind can conceive of. Fore in this mind, in
this soul, in this heart- is the love which goes beyond any
hatred, any expression of ill will, to let you who say you
don't believe know, we pray, we forgive, we continue, we
stay, we stand, we kneel in prayer, not because of anything
about us; but because of everything about Him. We are
able because our God is able; because Jesus... is, and we
know He is... because He lives! He isn't in that grave-He is
alive- today- in those who are able!
We are broken under His yoke.
Wanna take it deeper? Go ahead - CLICK
Would you as a member of this mail out like
a copy of Dr. Richardson's book "Reaching
Your Full Potential?" - CLICK
*Of course it's ignorant to say that a time when swords
could kill one single enemy in any regard reveals a
world where atomic bombs will kill billions- that's
absurd- but the mind set of those who hate Christian's
hasn't changed in regard to that - it's not absurd.
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creator God,
Holy Spirit,
Monday, August 16, 2010
Three Paragraphs for Workers
Hard To Believe Reality-Click Here |
time intensive site, and, they simply do not
have time to consume a book of ideas- SO-
that's why I came up with that page called
"taking it deeper"- sometimes you'll see a
new post over there- sometimes not, but
if you get a chance and want
to check it out, usually there will be
some new thing going on- as in Proverbs 21:13:
Here goes the video
There is a thing about who is watching and who is
being watched, put another way, the beholder and
the beholden? Who are the poor, is that a reference
to monetarily poor, because quite easily one can
see it might be a reference to poverty of all sort?
And really what happens when someone is impoverished
is the tendency of others to not listen to them?
This is a fantastic Proverb for social media because
it so clearly tells us that we can be heard, and
that when we hear, we stand a far better chance of
being heard, and yet, many people won't see that
in the simple juxtaposition use of terms which
have interactive meaning, how about you?
Which is because they feel the Bible is a dead
book, rather than a living relationship guide-
how about you? So today be sure that we
share the hearing of Jesus with someone who
needs to be heard, who knows, it might be us?
Dr. Richardson has a newly released book which
for the time being for our readers is...FREE---
Also available for friends - makes a great
e-Gift? - Oh oh...that's four paragraphs...sorry...
Follow Jesus,
Holy Spirit,
love relationships,
Relationships of the Wise
The first time you kissed someone, remember it, not a little peck, but
a real grabber, that first real kiss? For some of us, it's hard to get that
memory to come back, but if we try, really hard, we can get it back.
It is a great memory for just about anyone, and the question about that
is, why? Why is a first kiss significant, is it possibly because,
for just about every person, it is a moment they will remember?
Relationships of the wise are based in such common
ground of human meaning. When you chose
to make that first kiss, it was with the knowledge that others had
kissed before, and they survived it, somewhere in the back of your
mind was that certain knowledge of it being so, wasn't it?
Now as you are contemplating that, because the
answers are myriad as to what that is really all
about, and they largely depend upon the viewing point of the
person who is making the memory, let's switch gears ever so
slightly and move into second gear, no not second base, but there
was that brief thought, wasn't there? Slightly shift gears over to the
larger picture which asks the seminal question, what is common to
one person, can it be common to all, is joy, joy for all?
Relationships of the wise are based in the shared experience
which gives a person a chance to relate on a basis that
makes good sense to them. If something makes good sense
to you, aren't you more likely to consider it?
How they experience it, yes, that changes, but
the emotion of joy, is it the same? Yes of course,
and fear, yes of course, and the range of
human emotions, for us all, when we get to the emotion itself -we
see, a common ground. So the writer of wisdom sought to connect
to that common ground- there he stood, arms out grabbing
hold of God, the awesome source of all, with the other arm,
man; source of bizarre and emotional mishits- and he
sought to bring them together- for their own good.
Relationships of the wise are experienced at all manner of different
times and places and yet, they seem to have one
element in common, and as you read on,
we will hope to bring that element out.
As you read this, and listen to the video;
and we hope, feel something, beyond that in the next
few paragraphs; our hope is to both stretch our
minds a bit, (because we always learn so much
more than we can adequately share), and then, as we proceed
to the next two paragrpahs after the video our hope is that
then we will begin to move into the satisfaction of Proverbs. When
you first see an idea that is relatively new to you, and you get it,
it really sinks in, isn't that a satisfying idea, and doesn't it feel - good?
Relationships of the wise inherently lead to good feelings
as you've experienced such in your past, hasn't that proven true?
Planning - an idea which becomes a reality, there have been, and there are
today, books, entire books, being written about this; and here is what we
know, when you see what it is that you desire as an end result, you can plot
to it. That is, clearly see the outcome, clearly see, who and what and when
and where and how and why of it, date and time and place and work and
money and all of it, color and smell and temperature, locale and function and
all of it, clearly see it- and then ask, what had to happen in order for this to
take place, that is backward planning and it always works.
NIV Proverbs 21:5 - Pro 21:5 - The plans of the diligent lead
"Oh no it doesn't man, I tried that and it doesn't because
stuff always changes," sure this is true- but when you
have seen something- and then planned as to how that
something took place, when anything moves into that plan, it can be dealt
with in one of three ways, accept it, reject it or change it. When you
see something like this which makes you wonder you can always
write me at the email address for this blog or call me at 323-319-6621 and
I'll be glad to share with you four decades of practical knowledge
when it comes to planning and projects. Relationships of the wise
are also those where questions and answers and feedback take
place? Remember someone who taught you, and remember that
in that learning, didn't you have the freedom to ask them anything?
If you were as fortunate as I was with my mentors, such was true,
and it provided an awesome and mind expanding growth for me,
and my prayer is that somehow we might be able to do the same
through out contacts with each other.
Haste on the other hand, is the voice that says, "this could be a problem we
don't need to try this, we better not," and it shirks back, shirks back from
the power of the idea, from the passion of the idea, from the sure nature
of faith and joy and love and power- it shirks back to normalcy. Haste
is a fiendish thief of your life's joy, haste scares the mighty spirit of planned
success, and haste, the momentary feeling of satisfaction, passes just as
quickly and just as undeniably, but it leaves in it's wake, the destruction of
a well planned out dream. My experience has seen great ideas be planned
for, yet when they meet resisitance constantly, which great ideas always do,
(that is their nature, they are great ideas, hence the normal crowd will never
readily accept them, which means a fantastic barometer for whether your
idea is truly great or not, is to see how much rejection it generates!) some
sad experience has observed a hasty salving of that rejection wihch kills well
planned out dreams and as a result, everyone gets less.
The beautiful thing about wisdom - Proverbs being the summit of
wisdom literature, one of the worlds wisest men, whom many now
recognize as being a leader in leadership and spirituality and wisdom,
Depak Chopra, has himself admitted that when it comes to wisdom
Proverbs is the Zenith, the summit, and an amazing source of joy and
knowledge to a person who will take advantage of it. Now if a
person as well read and recongized as that can say that about this
then perhaps it would be worth your while to consider it? Consider
certainly this one sure thing, wisdom always gives you a choice, and
this is how you can tell if a decision has wisdom laid into it's
foundation or not, does it offer you choice and is it capable of
becoming flexible in attaining the goal? If it is, wisdom is at it's
very core, and you will find always in the Proverbs a choice which
is to be made, choose wisdom, and joy and success and love and
all the positive things which can come from that choice, or not- as
always, the choice is yours, and that is at the core of all
relationships of the wise.
a real grabber, that first real kiss? For some of us, it's hard to get that
memory to come back, but if we try, really hard, we can get it back.
It is a great memory for just about anyone, and the question about that
is, why? Why is a first kiss significant, is it possibly because,
for just about every person, it is a moment they will remember?
Relationships of the wise are based in such common
ground of human meaning. When you chose
to make that first kiss, it was with the knowledge that others had
kissed before, and they survived it, somewhere in the back of your
mind was that certain knowledge of it being so, wasn't it?
Now as you are contemplating that, because the
answers are myriad as to what that is really all
about, and they largely depend upon the viewing point of the
person who is making the memory, let's switch gears ever so
slightly and move into second gear, no not second base, but there
was that brief thought, wasn't there? Slightly shift gears over to the
larger picture which asks the seminal question, what is common to
one person, can it be common to all, is joy, joy for all?
Relationships of the wise are based in the shared experience
which gives a person a chance to relate on a basis that
makes good sense to them. If something makes good sense
to you, aren't you more likely to consider it?
How they experience it, yes, that changes, but
the emotion of joy, is it the same? Yes of course,
and fear, yes of course, and the range of
human emotions, for us all, when we get to the emotion itself -we
see, a common ground. So the writer of wisdom sought to connect
to that common ground- there he stood, arms out grabbing
hold of God, the awesome source of all, with the other arm,
man; source of bizarre and emotional mishits- and he
sought to bring them together- for their own good.
Relationships of the wise are experienced at all manner of different
times and places and yet, they seem to have one
element in common, and as you read on,
we will hope to bring that element out.
As you read this, and listen to the video;
and we hope, feel something, beyond that in the next
few paragraphs; our hope is to both stretch our
minds a bit, (because we always learn so much
more than we can adequately share), and then, as we proceed
to the next two paragrpahs after the video our hope is that
then we will begin to move into the satisfaction of Proverbs. When
you first see an idea that is relatively new to you, and you get it,
it really sinks in, isn't that a satisfying idea, and doesn't it feel - good?
Relationships of the wise inherently lead to good feelings
as you've experienced such in your past, hasn't that proven true?
Planning - an idea which becomes a reality, there have been, and there are
today, books, entire books, being written about this; and here is what we
know, when you see what it is that you desire as an end result, you can plot
to it. That is, clearly see the outcome, clearly see, who and what and when
and where and how and why of it, date and time and place and work and
money and all of it, color and smell and temperature, locale and function and
all of it, clearly see it- and then ask, what had to happen in order for this to
take place, that is backward planning and it always works.
NIV Proverbs 21:5 - Pro 21:5 - The plans of the diligent lead
to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty.
"Oh no it doesn't man, I tried that and it doesn't because
stuff always changes," sure this is true- but when you
have seen something- and then planned as to how that
something took place, when anything moves into that plan, it can be dealt
with in one of three ways, accept it, reject it or change it. When you
see something like this which makes you wonder you can always
write me at the email address for this blog or call me at 323-319-6621 and
I'll be glad to share with you four decades of practical knowledge
when it comes to planning and projects. Relationships of the wise
are also those where questions and answers and feedback take
place? Remember someone who taught you, and remember that
in that learning, didn't you have the freedom to ask them anything?
If you were as fortunate as I was with my mentors, such was true,
and it provided an awesome and mind expanding growth for me,
and my prayer is that somehow we might be able to do the same
through out contacts with each other.
Haste on the other hand, is the voice that says, "this could be a problem we
don't need to try this, we better not," and it shirks back, shirks back from
the power of the idea, from the passion of the idea, from the sure nature
of faith and joy and love and power- it shirks back to normalcy. Haste
is a fiendish thief of your life's joy, haste scares the mighty spirit of planned
success, and haste, the momentary feeling of satisfaction, passes just as
quickly and just as undeniably, but it leaves in it's wake, the destruction of
a well planned out dream. My experience has seen great ideas be planned
for, yet when they meet resisitance constantly, which great ideas always do,
(that is their nature, they are great ideas, hence the normal crowd will never
readily accept them, which means a fantastic barometer for whether your
idea is truly great or not, is to see how much rejection it generates!) some
sad experience has observed a hasty salving of that rejection wihch kills well
planned out dreams and as a result, everyone gets less.
The beautiful thing about wisdom - Proverbs being the summit of
wisdom literature, one of the worlds wisest men, whom many now
recognize as being a leader in leadership and spirituality and wisdom,
Depak Chopra, has himself admitted that when it comes to wisdom
Proverbs is the Zenith, the summit, and an amazing source of joy and
knowledge to a person who will take advantage of it. Now if a
person as well read and recongized as that can say that about this
then perhaps it would be worth your while to consider it? Consider
certainly this one sure thing, wisdom always gives you a choice, and
this is how you can tell if a decision has wisdom laid into it's
foundation or not, does it offer you choice and is it capable of
becoming flexible in attaining the goal? If it is, wisdom is at it's
very core, and you will find always in the Proverbs a choice which
is to be made, choose wisdom, and joy and success and love and
all the positive things which can come from that choice, or not- as
always, the choice is yours, and that is at the core of all
relationships of the wise.
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creator God,
Holy Spirit,
joy. love,
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