a real grabber, that first real kiss? For some of us, it's hard to get that
memory to come back, but if we try, really hard, we can get it back.
It is a great memory for just about anyone, and the question about that
is, why? Why is a first kiss significant, is it possibly because,
for just about every person, it is a moment they will remember?
Relationships of the wise are based in such common
ground of human meaning. When you chose
to make that first kiss, it was with the knowledge that others had
kissed before, and they survived it, somewhere in the back of your
mind was that certain knowledge of it being so, wasn't it?
Now as you are contemplating that, because the
answers are myriad as to what that is really all
about, and they largely depend upon the viewing point of the
person who is making the memory, let's switch gears ever so
slightly and move into second gear, no not second base, but there
was that brief thought, wasn't there? Slightly shift gears over to the
larger picture which asks the seminal question, what is common to
one person, can it be common to all, is joy, joy for all?
Relationships of the wise are based in the shared experience
which gives a person a chance to relate on a basis that
makes good sense to them. If something makes good sense
to you, aren't you more likely to consider it?
How they experience it, yes, that changes, but
the emotion of joy, is it the same? Yes of course,
and fear, yes of course, and the range of
human emotions, for us all, when we get to the emotion itself -we
see, a common ground. So the writer of wisdom sought to connect
to that common ground- there he stood, arms out grabbing
hold of God, the awesome source of all, with the other arm,
man; source of bizarre and emotional mishits- and he
sought to bring them together- for their own good.
Relationships of the wise are experienced at all manner of different
times and places and yet, they seem to have one
element in common, and as you read on,
we will hope to bring that element out.
As you read this, and listen to the video;
and we hope, feel something, beyond that in the next
few paragraphs; our hope is to both stretch our
minds a bit, (because we always learn so much
more than we can adequately share), and then, as we proceed
to the next two paragrpahs after the video our hope is that
then we will begin to move into the satisfaction of Proverbs. When
you first see an idea that is relatively new to you, and you get it,
it really sinks in, isn't that a satisfying idea, and doesn't it feel - good?
Relationships of the wise inherently lead to good feelings
as you've experienced such in your past, hasn't that proven true?
Planning - an idea which becomes a reality, there have been, and there are
today, books, entire books, being written about this; and here is what we
know, when you see what it is that you desire as an end result, you can plot
to it. That is, clearly see the outcome, clearly see, who and what and when
and where and how and why of it, date and time and place and work and
money and all of it, color and smell and temperature, locale and function and
all of it, clearly see it- and then ask, what had to happen in order for this to
take place, that is backward planning and it always works.
NIV Proverbs 21:5 The plans of the diligent lead
to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty.
"Oh no it doesn't man, I tried that and it doesn't because
stuff always changes," sure this is true- but when you
have seen something- and then planned as to how that
something took place, when anything moves into that plan, it can be dealt
with in one of three ways, accept it, reject it or change it. When you
see something like this which makes you wonder you can always
write me at the email address for this blog or call me at 323-319-6621 and
I'll be glad to share with you four decades of practical knowledge
when it comes to planning and projects. Relationships of the wise
are also those where questions and answers and feedback take
place? Remember someone who taught you, and remember that
in that learning, didn't you have the freedom to ask them anything?
If you were as fortunate as I was with my mentors, such was true,
and it provided an awesome and mind expanding growth for me,
and my prayer is that somehow we might be able to do the same
through out contacts with each other.
Haste on the other hand, is the voice that says, "this could be a problem we
don't need to try this, we better not," and it shirks back, shirks back from
the power of the idea, from the passion of the idea, from the sure nature
of faith and joy and love and power- it shirks back to normalcy. Haste
is a fiendish thief of your life's joy, haste scares the mighty spirit of planned
success, and haste, the momentary feeling of satisfaction, passes just as
quickly and just as undeniably, but it leaves in it's wake, the destruction of
a well planned out dream. My experience has seen great ideas be planned
for, yet when they meet resisitance constantly, which great ideas always do,
(that is their nature, they are great ideas, hence the normal crowd will never
readily accept them, which means a fantastic barometer for whether your
idea is truly great or not, is to see how much rejection it generates!) some
sad experience has observed a hasty salving of that rejection wihch kills well
planned out dreams and as a result, everyone gets less.
The beautiful thing about wisdom - Proverbs being the summit of
wisdom literature, one of the worlds wisest men, whom many now
recognize as being a leader in leadership and spirituality and wisdom,
Depak Chopra, has himself admitted that when it comes to wisdom
Proverbs is the Zenith, the summit, and an amazing source of joy and
knowledge to a person who will take advantage of it. Now if a
person as well read and recongized as that can say that about this
then perhaps it would be worth your while to consider it? Consider
certainly this one sure thing, wisdom always gives you a choice, and
this is how you can tell if a decision has wisdom laid into it's
foundation or not, does it offer you choice and is it capable of
becoming flexible in attaining the goal? If it is, wisdom is at it's
very core, and you will find always in the Proverbs a choice which
is to be made, choose wisdom, and joy and success and love and
all the positive things which can come from that choice, or not- as
always, the choice is yours, and that is at the core of all
relationships of the wise.
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