Thursday, August 26, 2010

Oh Quit It...Conversations

"Well my time is already tied up, so I just
don't know where he thinks I can find the
time to do that?"  Ever hear somebody
saying something like this when asked
if they could do something concerning
church or volunteer work?  Now
in this blog we're going to go into
why church work and volunteer work,
ought to be the same thing, and my hope
is that some Christian's will read this
and just get furious and write me all
sorts of really mean and nasty stuff- do
it, defend your way of life; anybody
should, we all should, but when we're
wrong, we ought to be big enough to
admit it, and correct it (!)
ISN'T GODLY...we'll "scuss" about that in
"taking it deeper") 
Christian's need to correct it.  Do you correct it?
When  you get mad at somebody, without cause,
and they get mad at you, without cause, do you
correct it, or let it sit?  Heat on ice...melts the
ice and turns it into...water?  Water, living water?

"Correct what man, what are you talking about?"
"I'm talking about when you are asked to serve on a
committee or do some community work, or the
Pastor or a Deacon or someone else asks you to do
something and you tell them, "my time is already
taken, so I don't think I can, that's what I'm talk..."
"Yeah OK, great, I get it, your just guilt tripppin'
me on this, my "we can't be everywhere all the time..."
"Yeah I know that..." But they continue cuttin' in;
"Look I can't be up at that church every time the
doors open."
"Hey I wasn't talking about..." but they cut in again,
"furthermore am I the only person who ever does
anything around here, 'cause that's how he acts
when he asks me to do somethin..."
Ever hear a conversation, or take part in a
conversation like that?
A video of Dr"D" off YouTube should be in this
space if it isn't please click here

So we see that Proverbs 22:2 is not only about now,
as in all wisdom literature, it brings to the table, the
awesome nature of it's author, God, who breathes
into the Word of Life, an eternal connection not
present in any other literature.  Want to see miracles
take place in your life?  Start taking the Proverb as
it is, and believe that God's word, the Bible, is a
Holy Book, it's not just another book in the world
out of all the other books in the world, the Bible
is a singular and trustworthy inhabited work- and
it is inhabited by the very presence of God who
is the author and creator of all!

AND while we're on the subject Christian, if you
are asked by a community to serve in a volunteer
capacity, please, please pray hard about that before
you say no, know why?  Ah us...we'll
tell you ...

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