Friday, August 13, 2010

Your World of Service Proverbs 21:3

Cause and effect, we believe, that something happens and as a result of
that something else happens.  Post Hoc Ergo Hoc - after this because of
this, it is our reasoning.  So we presume that systems also fall into this mode,
if you take a wall down, you make more space.  That's the post hoc ergo hoc
way of seeing it.  A rarer style, however, sees the breakfast that you ate,
where the eggs were done just right, and the coffee tasted great- and
the orange juice actually had flavor, so when you got to the site ten minutes
early, and the foreman said, "some of the designers think we should take
this wall out."  You were receptive to the concept- all is a sum- the sum
of all parts before hand- not that the sum is greater than the parts, we'll
do that some other time, just for now, the sum of the parts beforehand.
How many projects are you involved in for others as service only?
The point of Proverbs is often to help us see things in a different light
So it is with this Proverb we are blessed to be able to take in today:

Here in this second paragraph let's cover the absolutes of meaning- the first
thing that the Proverb states is "To do," which is translated from Hebrew
'asah - it is an old root word and stands for work.  Then the point - what
it is that you do, good, righteous and just things- not centered in you, but
centered in them; centered in others, we would call this service?  Service
is better in God's eyes than sacrifice- and this term sacrifice needs to be
looked at, in that, it has more than one possible meaning, it can mean -
giving something for something, or it can mean, doing without something
in order that someone or something else will attain something equal to
that or superior to that in value.  This is the Hebrew term "zebach" and
it is said to have associative meanings which are: a) sacrifices of righteousness
b) sacrifices of strife c) sacrifices to dead things d) the covenant sacrifice
e) the passover f) annual sacrifice g) thank offering.  So it is clear the
level of weight and meaning which God attaches to service to others.
It is literally getting the long ball thrown to you- an opportunity to get
tackled- feel pain, and get crushed under the opposing players, or,
make a touchdown and get kissed by the cheerleaders?  It is getting
a personal note from the chairman of the board of life asking you to
go ahead and make your neighbor smile, and smile big, because 
it would have cost them $700.00 to get that line laid in but because
you dug the ditch- it only cost them $200.00; and a little sweat
equity with the chair never hurts, does it? 

Does this Proverb have meaning in our world today?  We conclude
this writing with the questions of involvement, which is ultimately
a question of concern, to what extent is not questioned in this
writing- it merely points out that God, who measures all, creates,
and is, by His own definition; God, likes service, that is doing
what is righteous and just, and considers it better than when you
do without on His behalf?  Might one say, in such a mode God is
actually the one sacrificing?  So it is that we come to the prophetic
implication of this wisdom- one will come who is just and righteous,
that's certainly not me, I'm a sinner, how about you- oh, you're a
sinner too?  In fact, we know, nobody is perfect, so we're all
sinners, we all "fail to hit the mark," well then, who is it that can
do what is righteous and just, because it isn't us?  And here we
move to the realm of the Holy Spirit as earnest of the presence
of Jesus in your life; He says, "go and make disciples," you want
to go to dinner somewhere- He says, "Charlie needs to know
that people care," you want to spend time reading; He says,
"it would sure be nice if Mildred had someone to stop bye
and see if she needs anything from the grocery store," you
want to go to the store and get home!  See the pattern- it is
relational, it brings you back to God, and there, when it is
just you and God, you will find wisdom.

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