alley late at night, and realized
about halfway down that alley,
that you were in a rough part
of the town, and, alone, and it
was late- you realize just how
quickly safety can become much
more of an issue than we'd
like to believe.
If you've ever been driving along in your car
and suddenly it gets bumpy and the steering gets funky-and
you have to pull over- and you realize, it's a bad place to
be - you realize quickly how safety can become much more
of an issue than we believe.
If you've ever been in an open
forum discussing points of view and your point of view is
not the one everybody else is sharing- wow wee, do you
ever realize, quickly, how safety is an issue. In your virtual
life, on Facebook, or Twitter, or MySpace (practically
dead as a social media tool now, from what I hear?) or on
your cell phone with APPS (which is becoming much more
popular amongst young folks or so I hear?) or YouTube- can
your safety become an issue?
Is Proverbs which is about
wisdom, capable of adding something meaningful to where
you are at today? The answer is...in three paragraphs and
one video- Yes- so hope you'll spend a few more minutes with
us to discover what that meaning for you is....
The guaranty of safety doesn't exist, you can be inside a steel vault, door shut,
air piped in, with food, and everything else, and no matter what, some odds and
nods partial "thing" that was overlooked will crop up, and make the vault "un-safe."
Safety is a delusion, it is what we believe we have, but it comes from what we
believe are the important fences in our lives. OK that's quite a chunk of material
but Proverbs 20:28 talks about safety, and it is from that Proverb that this
entire process sprang forth, it says this:
Simply put - if you are loyal, your life reflects that- you cannot be loyal, and not
have your life reflect it. If you love the truth, it is reflected in your life, even
if you are an out and out atheist like Richard Dawkins- look I'll never agree with
him, even though I pray for him, and do agree with much of what Richard cooks
up as illustrations, he's got some great material- but overall I know he is wrong-
only because his right and wrong barometer are totally aligned with a very limited
and erroneous source- science- which is nothing more than observable and
testable data of hypotheses which scientist's cook up- but when they make a
type 1 or type 2 Error, almost without fail, their data won't point that out to
them- my suggestion is take in TED from Michael Schermer and surely you
will see why it is that I make such painful claims. Bear in mind- for over
twenty years my scientifically trained programming mind did UNIX and C
programming- testing and measuring of artificial intelligence and
so I don't make such claims in any sort of humorous way, although
given the nature of them, they might go over better if they were put in
the form of a joke---"hey did you hear the one about the robot and
the squirrel who went into the bar as God was throwing a towel
out the door..." (Don't fall for it---we all know robots and squirrels
never hang out at bars where God throws towels...)
So tie it to social networking- If you are a loyal person does it show in
social networking- well, on Facebook, if you have a loyal following,
it is announced on your profile page? If you respond to people they
usually say that they appreciate it? On Twitter- followers are counted
and interactions are also- lists are testament to loyalty- and comments
that range back and forth between Tweets- all speak of loyalty. BUZZ
which Google calls a social tool- is faster- so loyalty isn't as much
likely to show up there- but there are other ways of knowing whether
or not your followers are loyal- and BUZZ is a program which
Google seems to be trying to improve upon so who knows- maybe
soon it will be as good as Facebook or Twitter at helping social
marketers (who are paying the bills by and large for the networking
joys which we all share...let's not forget that...ah ...loyalty) to
ease through their interface and have a great time. While we finish
this paragraph, has anyone noticed the lack of communication
about a platform which limited it's users drastically and limited the
way that they interacted with each other...called My Space? From
all reports, it's in real trouble...on the other hand, look at the
growth of YouTube and it's use? Is truth important in social media-
for anyone who wants to succeed it is important to know that there
is a time when you want your loyalty and your true self to be so
evident that nobody would doubt them. And that's what Proverbs
was talking about- thousands of years before any of us were here!
So to conclude our get together here this day- let me ask you this-
being simple - are you a trusting person- or are you a person who
likes things to be verified? Looking forward to hearing from you -
please feel free to call, usually the 323-319-6621 is busy- but
please leave word, I will get back with you. In our pursuit of
making "Keyhole Success" work - we respond to e-mails within
24 hours - drd1201@gmail.com and as almost anyone who knows
of me from Twitter or Facebook can attest- we engage- it's what
we are all about- is sharing with folks.
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