Tuesday, August 3, 2010

You, Wisdom and Proverbs

GALA - What a word...
 - Pro 18:1 -
Proverbs 18:1 "A man who isolates himself seeks his own desire; 
He rages against all wise judgment.

The Hebrew term
for the translated
("rages against all)
which sounds more
like networking
and sharing in our
age, doesn't mean
that at all. 
The term is "gala"
which is pronounced
just like we say
the "gala ball."
It means, however,
to expose or lay bare,
to bring ones self out
in contention. 
Wow- that's quite
different from what
you might have imagined,
isn't it?  Yet that is wisdom,
we think we get it, but usually,
we have to learn it.

"Gosh I feel warm and fuzzy..."

"O.K., already Dana, you don't have to beat us over the
head with it,"  yes, but sometimes that is such fun, wouldn't
you agree?  I can remember when a friend and I used to
wrestle in the front yard, it was fun; seeing who could
get on top and win!  So it is with God when it comes
to wisdom- is what the author might be meaning.  WOW-
that reached out to you didn't it?  He might be meaning
that a person exposes themself, like a pair of wrestlers-
to the "tusheya" (like we say Too-Shay) or all success,
all sound knowledge.  Wisdom from God we might
say, doesn't come without a struggle? You agree?

 "Hey Mikey I think he likes it..."

Now comes the fun part, wisdom isn't about you,
it's not about me, it's not about them, it is about-God.
Wisdom is what you see when you look up at the
stars at night, and you know, it's not by accident
that they are there.  No you can't explain it, certainly
I can't explain it, but you know who can explain
it; is God; He, after all; made it.  So the author here in
Proverbs 18:1 makes it clear that when a person
puts themself apart from God- it is then that
the wrestling match begins- and, wisdom is
knowing, how that match will turn out, do you
know how that match will turn out?

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