"used to live next door," they moved; we
say it about a time when we felt strongly
about something, we were "moved."
Interesting how they mean a transport
to somewhere else, you either go there
in your mind, or, you go there physically,
but you transport, you are moved, we
are moved, we become, moved- it's an
active word. The Proverbs are designed
to move you, you aren't supposed to
just read the words and say, "wow that
was nice," that's not the deal.
The Proverbs are really meant to
be read under the starry sky, with
your heart open to the heavens so far
above what any human might even
consider; so enormous, and so full
of promise, or, something else, but
if you can look up at the starry sky and
not be moved, then you can read
Proverbs and not have a clue, the sayings must
move you. Like the first time I heard this...
(a video of Leonard Cohen "Hallelujah"
should appear at bottom of email if it isn't here)
Proverbs are meant for
wonder in your soul,
else, something really big,
something really mysterious.
It doesn't hit you right away,
wisdom is like that, sometimes
it has to rummage around a
while in your head and then
suddenly, the truth begins to
emerge. As if though out
of a New England fog bank,
so thick you can't see at all,
and then suddenly, the fog is
gone, and you can see, "watch out
for that truck!" Wisdom comes at you, and
the wisdom you get, comes to you that way,
you cannot rush it, but oh, my, we want to.
That's why the image of Jesus that I connect
with is wisdom, He is sitting alone on a hill
side in the morning. The disciples see Him,
Web Site For Image |
they have just seen Him heal a withered Lepros
hand, and, well, it's a bit odd; what do you
say to someone who has done that in front
of your eyes? The disciples probably didn't
know what to say, you think? Do you,
know what to say? You see, every once
in a while let the truth of the power of the
light of Jesus shine into your soul my love,
you see, He really is who He says He is.
That my love is what we call, wisdom.
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