Let's try a simple but profound experimental game,
why experimental, because we're not sure what the
outcome will be, why a game, because in real life
the odds are that you would not have the game
conditions come up. Great, now that we have the
legal stuff out of the way, as the Pharisees would
say; let's get down to it, as the Scribes would say.
Oh we almost forgot the Sadducees, who were odd
in their time, and certainly very hard to understand
in ours. According to one source, they haven't existed
since 70 A.D..
On to the game, which has as an object, to
prove to you, why you matter. Both as a person,
and in particular, as a Christian. So let's set
the ground rules. You will need a person to play
the part of the learner, and then you will play
the part of the teacher. For the learner the
script goes like this; "I don't believe you,
because..." It doesn't matter what they say,
any reason not to believe you will do. Now for
the part that makes this game resemble the need
which makes you matter, have the person who is
going to play the learner ties your hands behind
your back, with good strong rope- label the rope,
"things you have done wrong that others know
about." Now you can't move your hands, now put
good strong rope around your feet, label this
"sins that others believe I have committed."
So now with no hands and no feet, you will
have trouble moving. Now have the learner
put duct tape over your mouth, so that
you can't speak, label the duct tape; "the
excuses I've come up with not to share the
gospel." Ok, now, the learner is free to
go- and you have to catch them, and convince
them that you know that Jesus can forgive them
of their sins. "Aw c'mon man, you know I
can't do that, I can't walk, because my feet
are bound, I can't undo the knots, because
my hands are tied up, and I can't yell because
my mouth is taped shut." Of course we know
why - question, will the learner ever get
caught? Answer, no. Question, will the
learner ever hear the truth from you? Answer,
no. So there you go- with no hands, no
feet and no mouths, if you were God, what
would you do? It's just a game folks....
Don't miss the point here:
Mat 3:7 But when he saw many of the Pharisees
and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them,
O generation of vipers, who hath warned you
to flee from the wrath to come?
It's a good question- and it is why, you matter, it is
only one of so many reasons why you matter, but it's
a good one...
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