Monday, September 14, 2009

Keep it...simple

It doesn't matter when it happens
it matters that it happens. One
of the amusing aspects of being
in love with God is that God's
time is eternal, ours isn't-
and that central confusing fact
throws folks a lot of curves.

The other part of loving God that
is rough is that by comparison
it is -Ant to human, if the human
were omniscient (all knowing).
So you can see how silly that
levelizing is, and you can rest
assured, God knew that would be
the deal, quite awhile before
you were reading this, or possibly
thinking about it. Ah well, such
is the nature of being in a
love event that is hard on you.
Do you think God didn't know
it would be rough on you, loving
Him? So much so that He spent
several thousand years getting
you together for the event?

Well now, that should tell you that
in the Kingdom of God, you count.
Now that should also tell you
that in the Kingdom of God, that
person that you claim you can't
stand, uh, they count too. Should
tell you that in the Kingdom of
God, that highly emotional and
dramatically upsetting event that
you went through, God knew, so
the one who had some schooling
due, wasn't God? And that the
person who tells you that they
are going through something rough?
Maybe, just maybe, you might want
to hear them out. Maybe, just
maybe, that's what God means when
He calls you His body? Check it out:

"1Cr 11:24

And when he had given thanks,
he brake [it], and said, Take, eat:
this is my body, which is broken
for you: this do in remembrance of me

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