in this mountain..."
Sometimes it is the small things that matter,
our instead of my, in instead of on...
My life is blessed because of a church
home- people who worship God in a way
that challenges and arouses me- but even more
than how they go about getting in touch
with God, they don't enforce a way that
I must. Yes, they have some behaviors
which they believe in, and yes, they
have some basic precepts of faith which
they feel prove that a person is in fact
a disciple of Christ, but beyond that,
they are very accepting and very genuine
folks. My hope is that you have such a
church family- on the other hand, I would
suggest that no church family is going to
be perfect- because the Body of Christ is
made up of humans who are imperfect, and
while basically the whole may look and
act perfect, because every single part is
flawed, in the end, it isn't perfect.
Neither is my church home perfect, but in
defense of it I will say this, it is the
people that show me love, teach me God's
Holy word and lead me in prayer and
thanksgiving of heart to God, to get in
touch with God (called worship) which
keep me returning. So finally the
decision to worship God in one house
or another, is up to you, God is not
going to interfere with your freedom
to choose, but I would suggest to you
one single item, pray about that decision.
Pray and earnestly ask God if He would
like for you to worship in one place
or another. You might be amazed at
His answer. It is hidden in this
statement from Christ to a woman who
was astonished at our Lord, imagine that!
Jhn 4:20 | Our fathers worshipped in this mountain; and ye say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship. | ||
Jhn 4:21 | Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father. |
So it comes down to the basic
question about where you will choose
to tell God you love Him, while I am
less than perfect at it, my first suggestion
is, that we do so humbly, on our knees.
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