Wednesday, September 9, 2009

How - not - Why

Can we think together for a moment about what we're doing?

Oh I don't mean that there is anything at all wrong with what

we are doing, not at all; just that, if you would, join me in a

brief perspective trip about faith. Let's start with that field

over there, you know the one, it's been empty, basically,

unworked, lush green grasses and other plants grow there;

but it is, for all intents and purposes, an empty field. See

it clearly, it glistens in the summer sun, it radiates heat

back in the winter, know the place? It is a quiet, a lonely,

some would say, field. There are unknown millions of

fields, like it, all over the world. Do you wonder that even

perhaps Christ might've known such a field- where the

comparison is Luk 10:2 "Therefore said he unto them,

The harvest truly [is] great, but the labourers [are] few:

pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would

send forth labourers into his harvest. "

Next to this field, and we're almost done with the

visualizing, as one is to realize, it takes time, but

please stay with this one, it will prove of some value

perhaps? Next to this field, is a stream, which every

year, overflows and floods out the field. It is obvious

what is needed to prevent the flooding, isn't it?

A levy, or a wall. It is interesting that as you have

watched people come and go through the property,

they have brought many items with them, and

have left some, they left, for example, many

bricks, many branches, many things that they

thought, weren't worth much, they were disposable,

they were considered trash. But not to you, as you

gaze at the field, you realize, what they have left

in their coming and going is material that could

really help the field be a better field, were it not

flooded each season. So what's needed is a levy or

a wall. Now you have it, the picture, yes?

So the component here that is faith is not the seeing-

nor the noting, nor the study, nor the awareness of the

season; nor even the learning how to take various

kinds of things to make a wall. The component here

that is faith, is getting the leftover material and

making the wall. Faith as used in the Bible is nearly

always of the action type of word. Faith isn't a mental

game, it's a "doing out" or "working out" of what you

have become aware of as being needed. Let that

resonate for a while, you see, here in the U.S.

especially, we have faith ill defined, so poorly

understood as to be nearly lost in the meaning that

the Bible wants you to get, which is action, what

you are made aware of, you do something about.

Is this, therefore, a prayer of faith?

Mar 11:24 "Therefore I say unto you,

What things soever ye desire, when ye pray,

believe that ye receive [them],

and ye shall have [them]. "

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