Sunday, September 27, 2009

"This is..., I've made up my mind." Those are words that can
go either way, they can be good, they can be bad. All depends
upon which way you are headed as a result of them. For
example, you wanted a raise, you talked it over with the
boss, you get called in and she says "This, I've
made up my mind." Are you gonna get the raise? Or
you might get a call from the Mayor's office, the mayor
has been after you to work on a committee that she
believes you would be excellent on, and she begins
the conversation by saying, "This, I've
made up my mind." Are you gonna get her approval?

The point is much the same when this occurs:

Jhn 8:8 And again he stooped down,
and wrote on the ground.

What do you think Jesus was writing? The Bible
doesn't say what he wrote, but it sure seems possible
that His mind was now made up? Is yours?

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