Thursday, September 24, 2009

Judge Between - The Fight of Fights

One of my favorite authors, who should be, our favorite author;
is Robert B. Parker, who wrote the famous Spenser for Hire series,
which many years back starred Robert Urich, who we lost to cancer,
sometime back; sadly- and Spenser for Hire was a great T.V. show,
Robert B. Parker is a fantastic author. Introduced this very important
"Morningside" to you that way, because I want to use a quote from
Mr. Parker's work, it says what we are about so clearly:

"I can't stand watching you pulled apart like this.
You love two things, ...,and you have to
hurt one to help the other."
("Mortal Stakes"-pg. 251)

Is that, judging?

NIV - Luk 16:13 -
“No servant can serve two masters.
Either he will hate the one and love
the other, or he will be devoted to the
one and despise the other. You cannot
serve both God and Money.”

Right now, you are judging me; and at the same
time, you are being judged- and putting yourself
into a position of being judged- writer and reader,
speaker and listener, any time there is relationship-
there is judging going on. So what can change that?

Ah hah, now you have a reason to catch this devotional
tomorrow- we'll be here let's pray for
each other, we have lots to do, don't we?

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