Tuesday, September 29, 2009

When we love

The video on the "Revelation Song," so passionately
and with anointing, done by Kari Jode, exemplifies
what worship can become.

We have become familiar with worship as
connecting to God, a place where
you and God are together, it is as if, you and God
are there and no other person is present, that
sense of His presence invades your heart, touches
your soul, and as you listen to the truth of
adoring Jesus, and the power of that adoration;
the heart of worship develops.

It is that heart which can love, it is the
forgiving and understanding,
and compassionate heart, it is the heart of love.
It is that heart which God gives you. One of the
deepest mysteries of faith in my life is to see
people who believe they are born again, yet they
have not had this change take place in their heart?

Someone asked me how a person can know that they
are a Christian, and near as I can tell, the answer
isn't hard, their heart won't be; because the heart
of God, the new heart which God puts into a person
who confesses Jesus as their Lord and Savior
and asks Jesus to forgive them of their sins;
that heart, can't be the same hard nature one
that existed in that person before.

When a person has this heart surgery,
the meaning of their life becomes love
and to love; so let's cut through it today,
is that the purpose of your life, to
love and be loved? In my heart it sure
seems that is what John meant in writing
about his Jesus: 1Jo 4:7 Beloved, let us
love one another: for love is of God;
and every one that loveth is born of God,
and knoweth God.
1Jo 4:8 He that loveth not knoweth not God;
for God is love.

Let's pray for each other today,
that we will love and be
loved, thank you for allowing me to be.

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