Nobody who knows me believes I can do this, but, each day in October
we will review one mind boggling theological concept in one paragraph.
That's the part nobody can buy, they know I have a big mouth and write
like I speak. But here is what they don't know, a person who is in
love, can do remarkable things, and this is written for you, and, I
love you. God, you know, is love. Consider that, the Bible doesn't say
God knows about love, that would be obvious, or that God approves of love,
or even that God, who made us in His image, wonders about love when
it comes to humankind whom He created, but who apparently don't get it.
No the Bible says, God is love, and that, is water to water, water is
water, dirt is dirt, electricity is shocking, but electricity is
electricity- so while you are trying to dig your head out of it,
let's take this first mind boggling theological truth and absorb
it from this one paragraph, "God is love." (1 John 4:8)
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