Dr. James C. Taylor, co-authored a power
work with
Dr. Harold Bryson called
"Building Sermons to Meet Peoples Needs,"
as a student of the great Dr. James C. Taylor,
it is my pleasure to distinctly remember him
and his wonderful, loving, Christian ways.
As John would say of Jesus so would I say of
Dr. James C. Taylor, I knew him, and was with
him and know that today, he is with Jesus.
So the greatness of us, who we really are,
comes at us daily; but the sum will come
back to us, from those whom we touch and
reach and influence. Likely it will not come from
the work that we do, unless that work touches people
and that will last. At 3 A.M., this morning it hit me how
powerfully Nehemiah affected time and
history. The mental blows came at me from Nehemiah
chapter 11 and from teaching, from the past.
Many times people who say that there is no God, they
scoff at those of us who believe in God, and it hit me, Nehemiah
chapter 11, verse 6- these men, stood, in the face of opposing armies!
Real soldiers and real armies who wanted to kill them! These men
the Bible says were 468 of them in verse six, "The descendants of
Perez who lived in Jerusalem totaled 468 able men."
It hit me like a sledge hammer, "able men." Oh God we need able men,
and God where are they? Dr. Taylor would say to us, "you preacher boys are
feeling like you are going to go out there and set the world on fire
with your preaching, and that's good, you need that, you need to feel
that -" and he'd pause ever so slightly, letting our minds finish a
statement we'd no idea what he was going to say, "you need to feel
that fire in you, but until you get under the load of the love of
Jesus, until you get broken under the Yoke of Jesus,
you won't know what it means." Until you get broken under the
yoke of that love, you won't know what it means, to be an able man.
We'd likely be more politically correct and change that to, an able person,
but that isn't what the Bible says- it isn't politically correct, it says
that these men were there to stand, to stay,
that they were sons of Perez who were 468 in number,
not 469, not 467, but 468, and they -"able men!"
Don't bend, don't break, don't give an inch in your defense of
the Gospel of Jesus Christ- bend your knee with me that we
might become- able(!) against those who express such hatred
against God and against those who love God.
Are you broken under that yoke?
The heathens, the atheists, with their prideful stances and their
arrogant scientific minds; (or so they believe, personally as a
scientist possessing a masters in computer science,it seems
possible to me that they are delusional since, and if;
they believe God isn't in creative process of
every moment; in momentous ways, beyond anything they're
paltry little brains can conceive of...
but that's another days work),
will tell you that there is no God; well, they are wrong. It is
that simple, and what we as Christian's must come to understand;
it seems to me, (in prayer at 3 A.M.), is that God through Jesus
provided for us something so uniquely powerful that we
can rely upon Him. And when we do, He, Jesus, will fulfill
our needs, but we must rely upon Him; as Dr. Taylor relied
upon Him, as Dr. Bryson relies upon Him, and then we become
a family; like those who stood with Ezra the priest, and Nehemiah
the leader; of ages past, and my prayer is that someone will
say of us, "they were able." Because one thing that is absolutely
true is - our Christ is able. Are you broken under that yoke?
So what do you believe you should do in a world
that says to you that it "doesn't care?"
Is that world so different from the armies which threatened to
kill those inside of Jerusalem?* It really isn't; the battle is the
same, the time is different, the weapons are different, they
had swords, we have words, but the spirit that those weapons
seek to kill is the same. We must be those type of able;
'lovers of God,"who say, "you can kill this body but
you'll never kill this love!" You can take the body,
have it, we don't need it, it isn't us, for we belong
to Jesus who has purchased us with
a precious sacrifice beyond anything any silly and unfocused
and delusional mind can conceive of. Fore in this mind, in
this soul, in this heart- is the love which goes beyond any
hatred, any expression of ill will, to let you who say you
don't believe know, we pray, we forgive, we continue, we
stay, we stand, we kneel in prayer, not because of anything
about us; but because of everything about Him. We are
able because our God is able; because Jesus... is, and we
know He is... because He lives! He isn't in that grave-He is
alive- today- in those who are able!
We are broken under His yoke.
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*Of course it's ignorant to say that a time when swords
could kill one single enemy in any regard reveals a
world where atomic bombs will kill billions- that's
absurd- but the mind set of those who hate Christian's
hasn't changed in regard to that - it's not absurd.