Monday, September 6, 2010

Three Simple Paragraphs - Widsom, Proberbs 22:4 and You

The difference between success and no success in the online world is participation.  It's interesting because even the major "blogs" fight this same dilemma,  Dr. James C. Denison who runs the "Center for Informed Faith," which is based out of Dallas Tx has a listed membership in the hundreds of thousands- so certainly his mail list is quite a bit more extensive than ours, and yet, each day about 8 to 10 comments are
monitored into the process- participation is absolutely key but participation is invoked, isn't it(?)- meaning that we have to raise issues that are stark enough that you feel compelled to answer.

So moving quickly to the point - in Proverbs 22:4 we hear that:

How important is it to know where you are in terms of who you are
and what you are about?  Humility in terms of who you are is possible
without believing in God, but when you add the necessary
understanding of who you are with God in the picture, will
at adds an entirely more essential dynamic to the picture. 
We're going to take this one deeper, but we wanted to get
your opinion about that and see what you think? 

Here is what this would compel me to say, Lord Jesus you show
me wisdom, in the mornings when you were praying to the Father,
and you were alone, you teach me wisdom.  More than that
you were often quoting this very scripture in your ministry;
and it's humbling to realize that.  Thank You for allowing us to
share this today, without You, we wouldn't be able to, You
are the vine, our hope is to become fit branches of the
powerful tree which Father God is the root of.

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