Friday, September 17, 2010

Your Way Works

Ever talk to someone and they are telling you about how
fabulous things are, and yet, you get the feeling listening
to them, that they're not quite telling you all there is?  What
do you suppose gives you that feeling?  Ever felt like you
knew somebody, so you could basically anticipate what
they were going to say next, only, they didn't?  In fact
they were so far different from what you believed
might be said, that it shocked you?  Have any thoughts
about where that comes from?  Hmm...
(If you aren't seeing the video please click on this address.

Who's the teacher and who's the student- who is
the borrower, and who is the lender? What is
one position, versus another? Is that- war?
Is it within a person that they war literally
against their own mind? NOW, yes of course,
this has the obvious meaning, but when you get
a little deeper into it, that meaning
starts to indicate that the writer may have
had something far different in mind. Are
you familiar with how many women were in
Solomon's life? Could it be possible that
he might have had something not even attached
to money or monetary matters in mind?

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