Stay Simple- You Never Cease to Exist!
We're (all of us) eternal, let's approach it from
the simplest thing that we know; matter is neither
created nor destroyed; except, for the first

approach, a scientific way of looking at what
we are- we are, always going to be. Now let's
expand that just one step, we will change;
Paul in the New Testament reinforces the
teaching of Christ in that, we will change,
but we will not cease to exist.
Keep It Simple - Eternal Is
Today a friend of mine for over a year of
knowing him and praying for him, changed
from this reality to the next. His passing is
significant because the testimony of his
life, is significant, because he accomplished

endured endless pain and suffering, and
without complaint; the entire time that I
was blessed to know him.
What does it mean to suffer quietly but
to rejoice both inwardly and outwardly
at every day of life? It means that we
feel and believe and live knowing that
we can endure and overcome even pain,
if we stay close enough to Christ and
listen attentively enough to Holy Spirit
as He leads us. The pain does not go
away, that would be Paul the Apostle's
testimony, in fact he suffered to the point
that three times he appealed to God to
lessen the pain, and, was refused? Yet
at the end of that experience, what he
shares with us is, what he learned.
In following Jesus I think there are some

forgiving those who aren't easy to forgive,
that's one. Loving yourself, that's another;
and constant pain, such as Arthritis, a
daily reminder that your joints aren't
what they used to be, a third.
My friend was mastering the latter,
pain, intense and constant pain; when
God finally ended the endurance trial.
Yet, the wonderfully full of life;
truth is, we're already missing him, and
we grieve. But we also know, he lived,
really lived, and loved, really loved,
and Jesus is his savior, and he is now
home; but his witness shall live on here.
Keep It Simple - And You?
What we say now is that we can look
at the life we saw lived before us and
realize that Christ was his center.
Faith was his power, and that now,
we can know, faith works, pain can be
endured, and in the end, that's a great
story to share with folks. The courage
of a person who endured, and the
faith that they never surrendered
in Christ as their savior- and you?
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